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Jon snow

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Jon snow last won the day on June 9 2016

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    U.S. Southern Atlantic
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  1. I am going through the same problem.  What resolved it?  Dodge has been trying to fix my car for almost two months now.  new  pads, rotors, booster,  mastercylinder,  calipers and   and break lines.  brake pedal stil to floor.  now saying hydraulics.....help


  2. Unfortunately it was not resolved. I got rid of the journey and bought something else.
  3. I know what you mean. I never had a problem like this before. If I didn't open any lines then why would I need to bleed it.
  4. I'm taking it somewhere else tomorrow and hopefully they can figure it out. I'll update with the outcome. Thanks for all the replies guys
  5. They tried the old rotors with no success. But it is slightly thinner
  6. Let's say there is something clogged in a line. Can it be removed or would you have to replace the line?
  7. All the bleeding was done by the mechanics. From what I was told they did bleed the master. I will say this though, when I bought the car about a year and a half ago I noticed (after I bought it) that there was a lot of rust underneath the car. I'm glad now that all the parts are new. Maybe it could be something clogged inside. They told me when they put pliers to it the pedal works perfectly. It doesn't drop to the floor when they do that. I don't quite understand what they mean by using pliers. Does that make sense to you?
  8. When my car was on the lift my mechanic showed me that it was dry underneath. Bleeding was done by my mechanic and dodge several times throughout the 2 months. However I never heard him mention anything about the abs pump. Could a vacuum leak cause this?
  9. Dodge said there is no air in the system. The majority of time we were waiting on parts since nothing was ever in stock. No aftermarket parts are in my car. I'm wondering if by it being canadian could the parts be slightly different.
  10. If it helps its a canadian vehicle
  11. I hope someone can help. I have a 2009 journey r/t with about 97000 miles. A little over 2 months ago I decided to change my rotors. I installed cross drilled slotted rotors. After finishing I tried to build pressure by pressing the brakes. It went straight to the floor and being that I didn't open any lines I didn't think it was a bleeding situation. However afterwards I took it to my mechanic and he had my car for 2 months and couldn't figure it out. After replacing all calipers and hoses along with 7 different master cylinders a 2 boosters and new abs, it still goes to the floor. It was bleed multiple times by him and dodge. He decided to take it to dodge and get their opinion and they were just as confused. Just to be clear, everything has been bleed including the abs. Please help. I spent over 1700 to get my car back the same except at least I have all new parts.
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