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  1. It looks like I may be able to go from my 17’s up to a 20. Is this possible? I have 2011 Mainstreet FWD. Thanks for your help.
  2. Having my cylinder head replaced as I'm typing. I purchased my 2011 DJ less than a month ago. I noticed a rough idle during my short around the block test drive. At first I figured it may be the harmonic balance (crankshaft pulley), as they're known to have the rubber membrane start to walk out from the pulley. Although, I did notice a little deformity to the rubber, that wasn't the issue. I brought it back to where I had purchased it to have a sticker done, I let the mechanic know what I thought may be the issue. He noticed what I had noticed. Before I could get my foot out the door, the check engine light illuminated: )... They put it on the computer, #2 cylinder was misfiring. To make a long story short, the head is a defective part covered under Chrysler warranty. Can't wait to get my DJ back.
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