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Everything posted by lbeerkir

  1. Just wanted to add in defense of those having issues that I've done all the oil changes at the recommended schedule on my wife's 211 journey since we bought it new. Using the manual's instructions, I never had an issue re-setting the alert....until the last time. I cannot get it to go off. So yes I do know what the instructions are and yeah I do know how to do it right (as evidenced by all the others times I did it with no problem) but it still ain't working as it's supposed to.
  2. My wife's 2011 journey with 4 cyl engine and automatic transmission with about 60K miles on it has been giving us increasing troubles over the last year. The transmission seems to slip or miss when accelerating, but only around 45 to 55 mph; also it never slips when you really lean on it (like to pass in a tight spot) but pretty much only when accelerating slowly. It has been getting worse over time. Anyone heard of this issue before, and if so what was the fix? I've not had the trans fluid/filter changed on this car yet, and while it is probably time for that I am not sure just this would be the issue. Thanks for any help.
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