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Everything posted by myfirstdodge

  1. Hi All, Today My dealer said that my "Breaker Problem" is caused for "Normal" wear and tear and have to change Pads, Rotors Including Brake Fluid for Whooping $550!! (After a gently 20% off of total price). I have 38,000 Km and during the last inspection (Aug 8/10 - 35,000 Km) they never advice me about any abnormal situation with brakes; last week the clunky noise start after each break and now the diagnose was pads are completely worn out and the noise is due to metal-metal brake. Is there any way I can request this service as a Warranty?? Is the Dealer accountable for the Rotors Damage?? If you guys have some information about this issue would be highly appreciated. I found this link in Google that isrelated to this issue: http://www.topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/lawsuit-news/774-dodge-journey-brake-class-action-lawsuit Thanks, My First Dodge.
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