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lmoore1436 last won the day on October 3 2018

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About lmoore1436

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Well folks, I got hit by someone running a red light last week. I was totally fine, but the Journey did its job and took the impact and paid the ultimate price. Saturday I went and bought a fully loaded Grand Cherokee WK2 (the WLs are ugly IMO). The Journey was great, never had to do anything other than routine maintenance, never left me stranded and still didn't have any squeaks or rattles at 83k. Also was still on the original brakes, the dealer actually told me they still had 10k left on them when I took them in to replace them. Thank you guys for being here throughout the time I had it, and I hope y'all get at least 20 years out of your journey!
  2. I haven't been on in a while, I have a 2017 Journey Crossroad Plus (3.6l AWD) that I bought new in 2016. I've had ZERO problems, but recently I have had a dead battery twice in a month. I would assume it's the battery, BUT I just had the 60k service done and replaced the battery at the same time (this was done in September). The first time it happened the check engine light did not come on after I jumped it, but this second time it did and has been on the past 2 days (P0526 code which is very generic and not very helpful). The only other thing I can imagine would be causing this is a I put in brighter headlight bulbs about 4 months ago, they have a resistor (they are fanless LED bulbs) but I find it hard to imagine they would be the culprit. It seems very early for an alternator to go out, but I did buy the lifetime mopar warranty so I'm not worried about repair costs, I'm just wondering if anyone else had this issue with what is essentially a new battery.
  3. Yeah I have noticed A LOT since I bought my DJ... can't say that it'll be that way forever though once they switch to the all 4 cylinder lineup next year
  4. So it's been 3 years and 44k miles now and I can officially say I am still very happy with my V6 DJ crossroad AWD. No mechanical problems, not even brakes having to be replaced yet (though I feel a tad bit of a shimmy slowing from highway speeds). When I first bought the DJ this was my main concern after signing the papers and then coming home to read the reviews but it has been great so far. My previous car (2016 civic) had all kinds of electrical gremlins that caused me to be stranded a few times but no such problems here. The ride is smooth, and even on the original tires! The transmission as I've always said could use some finessing by Dodge, but that's nothing too major to complain about. I've acquired a few random squeaks throughout the cabin as time has gone by but nothing that distracts me and definitely nothing like former cars I've had. Overall still happy with my purchase! P.S. sorry I haven't been on in a while, but when things go pretty smoothly you tend to not be on here very often
  5. Hey, so a few things. First, how is a new transmission costing 10k??? The car is not even worth 10k if it is a 2009. Also, did you do an engine/tranny swap? The 3.5l and the 2.4l are not VW engines, and VW just started making their DSG transmissions in 2006 I believe, so it's unlikely they would put that transmission in a Dodge. Either you have done some insane engine/tranny mods to your DJ or someone is wildly misinforming you and trying to overcharge you for a transmission.
  6. I really like the Durango tail lights, but with the Journey soon to be discontinued I see why they didn't change the design. I like the Durango but the back quarter seems a little odd, the styling makes the back portion of the car look like it was "copy and pasted". I definitely think the Journey looks much more cohesive design-wise. I think if they updated the Journey and made it a 2 row SUV it would sell much better.
  7. lmoore1436

    New member

    Welcome! It could be a number of things, but the first thing I would look into is the antenna, especially if it is just the radio signal and there are no indications of an issue with the head unit itself.
  8. If they did an overhaul you shouldn't have anything to worry about for a long time. They replace anything that is either worn, malfunctioning or isn't up to factory specs. For lack of a better term it is basically "all-new". Was it the 4 speed with the 4 cylinder engine or the 6 speed with the V6 engine? I know a few people who had purchased previous rental cars had problems with their transmission that was determined to be a result of "extreme conditions", they either drove the crap out of the thing or had it in manual mode and ran the engine to the high rev-range. Issues aside it isn't the smoothest transmission but plenty of people have gotten tons of life out of them. Personally I've had mine over 2 years (34k) and haven't had any issues.
  9. If it is something way out of the norm, it wouldn't hurt to take it in... Especially if you feel like no matter how lightly you press it seems to brake harshly. I know there are a few chain shops that also check brakes if you don't want to spend the money to go to the dealership. Firestone, Pepboys, Midas, Jiffy Lube all offer brake inspections.
  10. I know whenever anyone drives my car they end up slamming on the brakes at least once or twice. They are pretty sensitive but it should get better as time goes on. Did they change the brake pads when it got to the dealer? That may be why they are so sensitive.
  11. Here's a thread from the Chrysler Town and Country forums that show how to replace the battery... It even has the part number to order it from the dealer. https://forum.chryslerminivan.net/showthread.php/47361-How-To-Replace-the-Battery-in-the-Rechargeable-Flashlight I also saw online a few websites have the flashlight itself for $37.00, not sure how much the battery costs at the dealer but either way it seems like it'll be cheap and easy.
  12. Also, I don't see how you could be "shocked", the sticker clearly lists everything that the vehicle does and does not have. Navigation is a separate option for nearly all manufacturers, and the Journeys radio was designed pre-Carplay. This is why researching vehicles before you buy is always a good idea.
  13. That's really odd... In the owners manual is states that ALL 8.4" Uconnects have bluetooth, do you have a phone icon on your home screen? If so, when you click on the player icon it gives you the option to play music through bluetooth. Make sure you read your manual just to figure out how it works, the salesman should have walked you through how to use it before you drove off.
  14. Yeah, do you have the sirius traffic? I find that if I should be on a highway and there is some traffic it will send me down roads that don't have traffic, but have quite a few traffic lights that slow me down. Other than those instances I haven't had any issues.
  15. Lol, hopefully OP doesn't really think that auto manufacturers are purposefully incorporating ways to drive a car without having a key... There would be a lot more stolen journeys if so, especially if we posted about it all over the internet!
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