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Everything posted by RICW

  1. Open tailgate. At top left corner wiring loom goes from body to tailgate. Push back rubber accordion looking sleeve and you will likely see broken wires there.
  2. dealer replaced the ecm and tipm today, and problem not corrected.
  3. Help ! 2012 journey rt uconect screen blanks defrost defaults to high, no speedo,windows, radio, check eng. light on battery light on. May clear for a short while and starts again. Had it in dealer did tipm  flash but it still happens.

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  4. Brought it to dealer yesterday and it of course would not act up for them . Battery was replaced in September and tested fine. No codes showed up On way home after their hours speedo went out, windows inop, fan to high defrost, no uconnect screen, battery light, ck engine light, and loss of speed. If I pull over, and restart then sometimes it starts to function ok.
  5. I hope I'm in the right area. MY 12 RT gauges , speedo, radio shut down, fan defaults to high defrost, power windows quit, service drive etc. and sometimes clears and runs ok. Just came from dealer and they reset the tipm and problem was not resolved. Any help would be appreciated.
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