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Appalachian Journey

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Appalachian Journey last won the day on May 5 2024

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About Appalachian Journey

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    Sub-Saharan Africa
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  1. There’s a post titled, “All Dodge Journey Part Numbers - 09-11”, that had links to illustrated parts lists. The links are now dead. It’d be swell if anyone saved them and is willing to share.
  2. This site is about dead Martin.
  3. S'il s'agit d'un fil endommagé ou cassé, envisagez de remplacer l'ensemble du fil. Le mien avait un mauvais fil d'interrupteur de fenêtre. Intermittent pendant un peu puis perte totale de fonction.
  4. “minor project balloon into a major overhaul” I used to tear into stuff with enthusiasm. Now I’m leaning toward short term leases.
  5. The Mexican Journey is the Chinese Trumpchi with a Dodge Badge on the grill. It may be a fine car but it’s a much different car. To me the old Journey was right sized. Roomy, good sight line without being too tall, big doors, long wheelbase. Good while it lasted.
  6. I’m thinking about changing this proactively. 13 years, 200+. Looks like an easy install on the 2.4.
  7. 211,000. It’s been demoted, rolls much less now.
  8. 211,000 miles. Second string now so the climb is slower. No major repairs. Evaporator is leaking. I’ll probably replace the heater core too while the dash is off. Been a good car.
  9. The car looks nice but the artificial sound is cheesy. It should sell okay for a couple years but it’s a car and people want SUV’s. I hear there’s a new Durango coming and a smaller rebadged Alfa ute. If either sell poorly Dodge may be done.
  10. I replaced the hazed originals with Chinese knockoffs from eBay. Halogen. About $100 USD each. Light pattern is good to my eye. Still clear after three years.
  11. 210,000 miles on my 2.4 Demoted to second car a couple years ago. I've seen similar to mine selling in the $4,000's. Thinking about selling it and riding a donkey until the market corrects.
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