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km-04 last won the day on January 2 2023

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About km-04

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Yep. Like I said, it happened in two different vehicles with multiple phones, both Android and iPhone.
  2. Uconnect is spotty at best. It was in my 2014 DJ, and it is in my 2018 DJ. I am not sure why this happens. Has happened with multiple phones.
  3. Welcome to the forum.
  4. They do have a good amount of space. I can get all my fishing gear in the back with no problem.
  5. km-04


    Welcome! Hope you like the DJ.
  6. km-04

    clay bar

    Been thinking of doing this as well. I have waffled on this a bit but watched several videos on it and think it is something that I could do well (or at least ok).
  7. Totally something I would have said!!!! Glad you guys are back safe and sound.
  8. Congrats on the DJ! It is a great vehicle. I'm on my second one.
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