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  1. adamja My wifes Journey also had an issue with the Airbag warning light. They replaced a side curtain airbag and the "occupant safety module". Turned out the problem is actually with some connectors that where manufactured by Delphi Electronics. Apparantly they stoped using them in production because of them failing and causing communications errors. Getting the replacements took 3 days because they are not in distribution. Good Luck... Colwyn
  2. Well, Let me start by saying that I am new to this forum but my wife and I have been reading the posts for about a week. Two weeks ago we purchased a new V6 SXT Journey and we do really like the car/SUV! Unfortunately out of the past 2 weeks we have only had posession of it for 7 days. The day after we bought it the airbag light started coming on so back to the dealership it went. They started out by replacing the side curtain airbag but still kept getting error codes. There next stab at fixing the problem was replacing the "Occupant Safety Module" which controls airbags, seatbelt tensioners and all safety aspects or the car. The dealer ordered the part and also called the maufacturers "Star" line that puts the technician in touch with the Tier 1 technical resources for the product. According to them their is an issue with the first manufacturing runs of the Journey's because of the type of connectors "Delphi manufactured" utilized on the OSM module. They have since changed to a new style of connector. Of course currently these new connectors have not made it to the regional parts warehouses so there is a delay getting them. This is supposed to finally resolve any airbag issues. Last weekend when we where "visiting" our Journey at the dealership we saw another 1 week old Journey being dropped off for an issue. We feel that it probably has the same issue as ours so that is what prompted the call to the manufacturer. The only other problem that we have had is noisey lifter sounds from the engine for the 1st minute of a cold start. The dealer replaced lifters and guides on a couple of cylinders. Problems are to be expected on when you purchase the 1st year of any product. I traded in a Dodge RAM 1500 (2005) for this Journey for my wife and hopefully after these few glitches it will be as reliable as the pickup was!!!!
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