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Bryman31 last won the day on August 28 2018

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About Bryman31

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    U.S. Mountain
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  1. where would that cooler be? in front of the radiator?
  2. crap sorry about that, i was adding things to my original sentence and forgot its the V6. and im not sure what the state law asks in regards to trailer brakes.....
  3. good day guys. time for another towing question. i have a 2017 GT. it does not have the towing package. im looking at this small overlanding trailer to put a roof top tent on. the trailer weighs 690lbs dry, the roof top tent weighs 150. with gear inside the small trailer (300-500lbs) plus a full tank of gas, the human weight and some more gear inside the car im looking just near 2000 lbs total. id like to go to the dealership and get the tow package installed and possibly a mopar hitch. the trailer total weight will be at or near 1350 lbs. my question is should i use a brake controller with this small setup? what about a trans cooler? and does anyone know what parts i need from Mopar so i can get them ordered? thank you for your help!
  4. so you deleted the muffler and put in new resonators? hows it sound?
  5. which muffler and tips did you get? hows the drone noise on the highway?
  6. so this morning i got the update screen when i was using my navigation. i said update now or wait 28 days or 1 year? i chose wait 28 days. my question is this. ive never seen anyone ask about this popup on here yet, when i get it again can i just hit update and it will update? or is there something else involved? thanks!
  7. Bryman31


    soap is about 24 % as ;ubricant as a good detail spray. you REALLY want as much "lube" as possible to NOT scratch the paint
  8. Bryman31


    try it. claybar it and see how it looks vs the rest of the front end. REMEMBER to use A LOT OF SOLUTION. NOT WATER!! go buy some detail spray and keep the area your working on VERY WET AT ALL TIMES
  9. Bryman31


    yes, and REMEMBER............you really MUST after claybaring put a paint sealer on THEN a good wax job. and trust me if you only do 1 area you WILL notice, so just do the whole car.
  10. so a friend has a 300c. my journey is cooler hahaha, anyway he just got these RIPP coil packs he swears he can tell a significant difference. i asked him since he put in a CAI at the same time did that help?? he isint sure but is positive it was a worthy investment. they are horribly priced, i was wondering everyone's thoughts on something like this?
  11. yeah thats what i figured. i mean the build date on the car is may of 2017. figured it should be ok refrigerant wise but dang. just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing some step is all
  12. so ive had this journey for 11 months. i swear to you today is the 1st time ive actually USED the AC. i have 3700 miles on the car, and today its 101 degrees out. so i crank it on, set it to 68 degrees, have it set to inside refresh air. and in the 20 mins it took me to get to my destination..................................the car was MAYBE 5 degrees cooler. am i doing something wrong? im 45 and have NEVER been so unimpressed with a cars AC before. my wife says..........its hot out and the car is a dark color. our old blue caravan was dark blue and within 3 mins usually we were turning the AC down cause we were all getting too cold. whats the deal?? anyone have any helpful insight on this damned AC?
  13. http://www.getoverkilled.ca/pentastar.html TB for pentastars are on that site....
  14. yes but is that driving load? (dynamic) vs parked load? (static)
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