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Everything posted by 14WhiteRTRallye

  1. 4 cylinder or 6? Those 4 cylinders are nuclear reactors!
  2. https://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_osacat=0&_odkw=dodge+journey+wheels+17&_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m4084.l1313.TR1.TRC0.A0.H0.Xdodge+journey+wheels+17.TRS1&_nkw=dodge+journey+wheels+17+steel
  3. Idler Pulley Noise During Cold Start (3.6L) TSB # 07-002-15 January 07, 2015 http://www.wk2jeeps.com/tsb/tsb_wk2_0700215.pdf
  4. https://moparonlineparts.com/mobile/dodge-journey-lights-p-2471.html
  5. If it is under 4 yrs and 48k miles. You can extend the factory warranty. https://www.chryslerfactoryplans.com/default.aspx
  6. Dvd works in drive too. But picture turns off when you start moving. The dvd keeps playing sound when moving.
  7. Mine shows on top left of Evic and on nav button on 8.4. No subscription needed. Plays dvds on the 8.4 too!
  8. Welcome Still enjoying my R/T at 35K miles
  9. Kumho 225 55 19 are going for $93.99 at Amazon. Just got them, 8 18 & 7 18 date codes.
  10. 82210243AB http://www.moparonlineparts.com/mobile/dodge-journey-pedal-covers-p-3528.html came right up
  11. Also you can extend your Mopar warranty here http://www.chryslerfactoryplans.com Or just get a quote
  12. I rented an Escape and it had a display that shows where the power Is going on the AWD
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