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Journey Member
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  1. I bought my 2010 R/T 3.5 v-6 in december. It handles very well in dry, wet and snowy conditions. I have over 16000 miles on mmy journey and do not regret buying it. I love this ride and always driving it. got the chrome package and love the shine and looks i get as i cruise the highway to work. In my opinion it is a piece of art work. As for pick up, love to admit i have raceed a couple SS monte carlos and ss impalias. even a mustang or two. no cobras or salens. But GTs either they were slow on the light and we were evenly matched or the just stayed a fender behind on purpose. Even on the highway it has great pick up, probably because i know how to use the autostcik feature. And shift it my self.
  2. I have read alot about brake issues here on this forum. In my own journey i have got just over 16000 miles and have alot of meat left on my brake pads. Of course i dirive 60 percent highway. If your brakes start to wear fast put on some ceramic aftermarket pads they last alot longer.
  3. cool deal man. get a lot of looks with my chrome package.
  4. I have had my 2010 journey r/t for 5 monnths now and from reading the above storys worrys me. I have over 16000 miles on mine already. is there any differnence between 2009 and 2010 disc brake pads and if so do the have they in ceramic yet. My local auto parts store says they don't have anything yet.
  5. No it wasn't used. It only had 3 miles on it. And it was the showroom model. The salesman was kind of peed off cause of the big discount i got thru my work. told me it was extra. Didn't even give me any licsense plate brakets.
  6. i get 24mpg on th highway.. and its true same mpg if going 60 or going 80mph.
  7. I use synthic oil in my journey and have gone 8000 miles before the change oil notice came up on my dash. probably go longer it=f i had just changed filter at 5000. when i bought it, it only went 4500 miles on factory oil before it gave me the notice on my display.
  8. am dan. bought my 2010 Journey R/T in december 2009. I love this vehicle. i got the leather, nav and dvd system. it came with the chrome package. and was wondering, when they put the rails on the roof shouldn't i have gotten the crossbars? Anyway i have 12000 miles on it already no complaints.Have owned dodges sense 2003 and thats all i own now. three in total.
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