Hi everyone I'm new. I live in NC and recently within the last week, had these lights come on, I'm happy they weren't on when I had my state inspection, I would've failed. I had 3 tires replaced and 1 where the tread is still great. The day these lights came on was the day I went to get my 3rd tire, I couldn't afford all 3 at once, but when I got paid about a week later I got the new one. We've had bad weather here and the day after 1 storm was when 2 lights came on. Then soon after the service AWD light came on. So traction control, AWD, ABS lights. They've been off only about twice. I have noticed recently that when I tried to lightly put my foot on the gas to get out of Wal-Mart's parking lot, it was having issues like I couldn't get moving quick enough, I was in the single digits before I pulled into an empty space and shut everything off and waited. I sat in my Journey for 5 minutes or so with 3 kids in the humidity because I didn't and still don't know wtheck is going on. It was fine after I turned it back on. The next day I had to go out again and I discovered the tire pressure was crazy high for 2 in the front(39psi) and the back 2 were either 38 or 37 psi. I made all 4 tires the same pressure and the lights came off. Now they are on. I'm worried because I have 3 kids and being a single mom I don't know how much it will cost to fix and how long it would take to fix it. Around here places take advantage of women and rip them off. So I'm on my own either way. I don't know if I should take it to a Dodge Dealership or to a chain store type business that deals in mechanics. I don't even know if they'd even just check it without me having to pay. I know someone who has a really nice code reader and no codes came up. Any advice would be appreciated. I live in a somewhat rural area and have to travel for my kid's appointments and football. I've never experienced this in my other Dodge and new tires, but this SXT hadn't had new tires and it was time. Any advice would be appreciated. It stormed so bad on a late drive home (my 1 son has DS and he was sick so we left urgent care at 1020pm our appt was for 830pm) that I was so worried because most of the roads were black top. Thank you in advance