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Everything posted by agm2112

  1. Another ton of RTV while I wait for DHL delivery. This is my brand new crack. The seal "escaped" through the crack and starter another oil leak.
  2. Bought one from Rockauto. Expected delivery at Dec 21. I will replace it by myself and post some pictures. Until there, I´ll keep cleaning the oil spit on the garage floor.
  3. I Don´t know about US version, but my Journey is "Hecho en Mexico" !
  4. My manual recommends 5W30 here in Brazil, probably due to (much) higher ambient temperatures. The coolant seal "explosion" happened after a huge uphill short trip (0 to 1500m above seal level in 30 kms). Luckily I was coasting at low speed. Reasonably low mileage (100k km / 60k miles).
  5. In my case, one of the "plastic seals" simply jumped out of the case and leaked all coolant in a few seconds. The second one (not OEM) cracked after an oil filter change, and started to leak engine oil. I believe this part design brings a low reliability to this good engine. Let's try this part upgrade.
  6. Me ! I hate this plastic crap piece of ..... plastic. And I will pay double here in Brazil after import fees.
  7. I believe it´s normal. My Journey at 80km/h sometimes won´t engage 6th gear, unless I almost don´t touch the gas pedal. Normally when I want to keep 80km/h (common speed limit in Brazil), I depress the accelerator, wait for 6th, then press again or start cruise control.
  8. Seems the pressure control valve is making gear 2 and 5 slip, but soon you will have a complete slippage mess. MAYBE you can do a fluid change and inspect the filter and magnet for shavings / sludge, and clean (or replace) just the PCV. I don't like to spend money, so a valvebody replace and transmission teardown would be my last resort.
  9. Have you tried to monitor fuel pressure during cold start ? May be an old fuel pump.
  10. Good Morning ! Yes... this is my problem. The radio is not rebooting. Everything is working as it should. Just this stupid message that is not going away after 5 seconds. Coincidence or not, this started to happen after I replaced the "Lateral Acceleration Module" on my Journey with a used one from a Fiat Freemont, both 4x2 (hard to find here in Brazil, almost all Dodges are 4x4). Worked fine, no more ABS+ESP error lights.
  11. Plastic on intake manifold, engine covers, fuel rail(!): ok. Water pump, thermostat, oil pans, oil coolers: long term suicide !
  12. S**t, I'm a Portuguese speaker ... lol https://www.wranglerforum.com/threads/how-to-get-rid-of-uconnect-accept-screen.2329501/
  13. Makes me angry to see a perfect working engine being destroyed in seconds because of a cheapo plastic piece. Here in Brazil all of the Fiat Freemont (2.4 Dodge Journey) owners are replacing this part with a "machine shopped" (??) made of aluminium.
  14. I almost killed my 3.6 with an oil cooler major leak. Hopefully I had an overheating chime and light. No damages. PS: Who created this plastic parts holding high pressure/temperature fluids ?
  15. Using a scanner (I´m using AlphaOBD on my phone) you can check all VVT actuators, perform VVT system test and clean all the camshaft phasers. I did it on my journey just for testing purposes. It makes many clicks on the camshaft, the engine accelerates, then almost stalls, and hopefully it gets rid of any sludge interfering on it. I believe this is a good starting point !
  16. This is really weird. I had a problem with my ESP module (the one with the lateral acceleration sensors), and after replacing it, everytime a start my Journey, that stupid message with the "accept" button that normally goes away after a few seconds, stays there. I have to click on it 50 times a day. I don't know if is just a coincidence, or if had to do with the "lateral acceleration module" change, but the fact is that this message won't automatically go away, and I have to click on that button EVERYTIME I start my car. Any help please !
  17. Can you hear any "air suction" sound ? You may have an air leak. Maybe on the upper intake manifold or the throttle body gasket. But normally this situation would raise a P0300 error.
  18. Maybe you have a clogged/old/damaged thermostat valve. Is a 3.6 ? Very easy to check.
  19. Go straight to that damned oil cooler. I had this same problem, almost destroyed my engine. I believe the 2012 model doesn't have that plastic seal, but the plastic may have cracked or something like that.
  20. I had exactly the same problem. A friend gave me a dead uconnect radio. I switched nav boards with my unit and .... voila. Working again. Is a newer version.
  21. I won´t replace it (yet). I took it to a (machine shop ? - I don´t know the name in english), will try to open a thread on the hole and build a nylon screw to cover it.
  22. On sunday night I was driving on a highway at mid speed when the "overheating" icon appeared on the dashboard. I stopped the car and opened the hood... the cooling system was absolutely dry. Luckily I was less than a mile from home, and returned stopping two times for 20 minutes to cool the engine, under heavy rain. I found the problem on the oil cooler. One of the three plastic water seals simply popped out, allowing all colling fluid to jump to the road in ten seconds. I believe this is a very bad factory defect, that puts the entire engine at risk (and a car stopped on the road under heavy rain) for such a simple piece of plastic....
  23. How to correctly measure oil level ? Engine cold or hot ? Have to wait a few minutes ? On mine it barely reaches 1/4 of the safe zone on dipstick after adding 6qt, engine hot.
  24. I was receiving P0189 error even in the extreme heat of Brazil. Just replaced the thermostat and now the engine is at 91 C on the road. Before was 83~86.
  25. Found It ! Using AlfaOBD, connected to engine, check status log under "more info", found: Engine Oil Life Remaining: 0 % Had to filter, is a 125kb text file !
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