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Dick Tatina

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About Dick Tatina

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    U.S. Great Lakes
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  1. What should the fuel pressure reading be for the 2018 Dodge Journey 2.4/?
  2. Thank you John/Horace for your response. The mileage is 48,000. Since the dealer was introducing "his gas" at he fuel rail and stating the problem went away, I mentioned that the problem would probably be from that point back to the tank. The dealer then suggested replacing the fuel pump ($1700.00), What if it checked ok? Received a message from FCA that they have closed the case. The car has one year remaining on the extended warrantee, which covers the fuel pump. So the dealer is afraid to replace a good fuel pump that will not fall under the warrantee. I didn't mention that if i drive the car and the engine has reached temp, then shut it off for about 5 minutes, no problem. I'm going to purchase a fuel pressure gauge and follow your procedure. I'll let you know the outcome. Happy New Year.
  3. Dodge Journey 2.4l: After car sits for 10-12 hours it starts without cranking. Let it sit for 20 minutes and the starter will crank for 3-7 seconds before starting. Took car to Dodge dealer. Their analysis - No codes, fuel pressure regulator and fuel pump OK. They replaced the plugs, cleaned throttle body and injectors. "Car started each time when they used their gas. They recommended to use up fuel in the tank and replace with Amoco, Shell or BP. I ran two tankfuls of Amoco. Problem still exists. Called Dodge Engineering and got a Case No. and returned my Journey to the dealer. The suggestion was to replace the fuel pump, but no guarantee that that was the cause. Anyone have this problem? Any solutions?
  4. My 2018 SE has two handles, one above each of the rear doors. Someone mentioned threaded inserts that may not have been installed in Journeys w/o from handles. Can anyone verify? TASCA has the handle for $11.80. I the inserts are there I may just take the rear handle and move it to the front. Now I just need to decide if I am going to keep this rattle trap until next spring.
  5. I have a 2018 and the rattle a started the day I paid off the car. I've already had the car (1700) towed to the dealer because it wouldn't start. It took them 4 days get it going. The first two days they "were charging the battery. It has to be 100%", they said. Strange, the first roadside assister checked and the battery was 100%. I'm getting ready to trade this in on a GMC Sierra.
  6. First Mopar - 1970 Challenger 340 Hurst, 2nd 1977 Volare, 3rd 1984 Reliant, 4th and Final 2018 Journey.
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