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About Dncgrl863

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  1. Hello everyone! I wanna say thank you to everyone on this forum!! I was able to upgrade my 2012 DJ's 3.4 screen to the 8.4 with the advice I received on here. Did it all by going to the local wrecking yard. I'm a chick and it was super easy, even for me, who knows nothing about cars. My next question is... has anyone connected a backup camera to the RB5 receiver for cheap? My 3.4 screen had an after market navigation and backup camera, so I lost those functions after upgrading. I had a NAV-TV module but it only works with the 3.4 screen. So the backup camera wiring is there. However, I need to replace the camera because it died long ago but I think that's simple enough at the rear hatch. As of now, I just have a RCA cord from the old backup camera just laying behind my radio, as I have no place to connect it on the RB5. Please let me know if anyones has done this themselves...not by the dealer unless you can explain exactly what they did. Thanks!
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