I Just wanted to inform those that may experience stations not coming in or static on all stations and hope this may help you find an answer. Here is what I found on my 2015 Journey, Radio was clear as a bell, no static, then all of a sudden static, some stations not coming in. I just bought this vehicle 3 weeks ago, so, I also found that none of my 12V Pwr outlets were working. I wanted to plug in my Small Battery Charger/Booster, which will only charge when engine is running in the cargo area.
This is the only clue I had, because this is the only thing I did to the vehicle since we have owned it. Sure enough, I had the radio on engine running, booster plugged in, static... Unplugged the booster from the charge port, clear as a bell.
So my suggestion to unplug anything that has been possibly tied into, plugged into the charge port.