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fcasontoo last won the day on March 6 2020

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About fcasontoo

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. Leaking at circled area, looks like this is all one unit, transmission/transaxle? Using the same fluid?
  2. It looks the transaxle blew a seal at the driver side CV axle shaft. Where are the drain and fill plugs? Is replacing the seal and refilling better left for a good mechanic or the dealer?
  3. So, I had to replace radiator on my 2017 Crossroad and the fluid looked red, so I used Valvoline Xerox Asian motors 150,000 mile antifreeze, reddish/pinkish in color. Now I have a coolant leak, I believe at the water pump. Could wrong coolant cause this?
  4. I have looked through this forum and online for a simple wiring diagram for the 3rd high center mount brake light on my 2017. It is a LED assembly, two wire connector, I want to add a flashing module, need to know which is positive and negative.
  5. Yeah, my wife I enjoys it, so happy wife, happy life. It's her car, what she wanted. Just not a fan of FWD crossovers built on car platforms, but my wife likes it. Yeah, laughing at my original post now.
  6. As I replied to other post, this is my wife's car and this is what she wanted, so, there's that. I know it's not an off road vehicle, I was traveling north from Houston to Arkansas into icy conditions and just wanted an easily accessible tow point/hook in case I went off the road. The FWD worked good on the ice, except once when I was trying to get up an incline out of a gas station. Laughing at myself now, reading my post.
  7. Yeah, I can laugh at myself. Just not a fan of FWD crossovers, but this is the wife's car and this is what she wanted, the other option was a FWD Pathfinder, so...
  8. Can the spare tire well under the rear hold a full size tire and rim? I have a 2017 Crossroad w/ factory 19's and 225/55/R19 tires.
  9. The pics with the cargo box on top show it w/o rear step protector and front deflector I added.
  10. Yeah, so...got home with hook, popped open access flaps, front and rear, no threaded component to mount hooks to. There was a hole in each cross member behind the bumper covers but no hole in the frame where a threaded nut would have been welded to screw the hook in. I will be taking the hook back to dealer for refund. POS Avenger station wagon is all this thing is.
  11. Update: Found one at local dealer for $36, cheaper online but need sooner than shipping allows. Will order a second one though.
  12. Thank you all, I know where they install in the access holes in the bumpers. Was wondering where they are stored in the vehicle, but it seems that Dodge didn't provide them with the car. SMH.
  13. Where is the tow eye/hook stored? I am fixing to make a road trip into possible ice and snow and want to know where the tow eye/hook is stored.
  14. I picked it up used at Nissan dealer, no dealer support for Dodges there. I will be taking it in to Dodge for warranty replacement of headlight with water/condensation in it and Cruise Control issue recall. Will ask then.
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