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About Missjenn713

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. Short answer is that it would be quite inconvenient to pull the fuse on average the 5 times a day I turn my car off and it’s on the passenger side. I really feel Dodge should take some accountability for this issue considering many have this exact issue.
  2. Okay so, about every two weeks my car won’t start. Ive replaced the alternator twice as well as the battery . I’ve had to buy a jump box to not end up stranded. My radio stays on for about 30 seconds after opening the door and I’ve noticed sometimes my phone connects before I’ve started the car. My buddy has searched forums as well as I and we’ve found many that have this issue. Dead battery with no check engine light. What we’ve found is many experiencing a parasitic draw from the radio on the battery. I’ve looked into replacing with an aftermarket radio and because of how it works with the ac that is not an option. With as many vehicles experiencing this issue, at times leaving people stranded why is there not a recall?! Seriously losing faith in Dodge here. Will be installing a relay switch on the radio to force it off and hopefully won’t end up stranded again soon. This is quite disheartening and I cannot afford expensive diagnostics at a dealership, especially considering how many have and yet continue to experience the same issues. Please if you’ve found a fix, I’d love to know, I’ll give it a couple weeks and post if the relay switch fixed worked or not.
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