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Everything posted by rozey66

  1. So sorry for a (massively) late response to this, I somehow missed the notification of this reply... I went with GTR Lighting Ultra Series LED Headlight Bulbs - 9006 / HB4 (CX)
  2. Wow, did you sign up JUST to try to make me feel stupid? I actually included screenshot where I can see the cadence for replacing the filter. My question was if the "air conditioning" filter is the same as the cabin air filter. PLUS, the question was resolved four months ago. But I appreciate you calling out the page number of an online manual I assume you are trying to farm clicks to, maybe the next person will click it for you.
  3. Holy thread-resurection Batman! OK, so buying an o-zone machine is not something the average consumer would EVER need to do, especially at the price a decent one goes for... however, renting one is not a bad idea for someone that just want's to clean their own car. I can buy a decent machine for $200-400 and would if it was part of my life to need one, such as a detailer, etc. I can rent one from a tool company (Sunbelt, etc) for about $30/day. Or if I don't want to hassle, I can spend about $75-100 (like the OP did) to have a pro come to me and get it done.
  4. This is one of my favorite features of the Mazda6 in the household - as long as there is no keyfob inside the car, and it's on person outside the car, walking a couple steps away from the car it auto locks. This is a nice convenience feature and I was wondering if anyone has found a way to mod the passive entry into something of the opposite. I know it's possible since the passive entry is using proximity sensing to know the fob is close enough to unlock.
  5. Welcome! I, too, just picked up a used '18 GT but mine had 19k miles. So far only tint, new headlights, and air filters done. Had the local dealership do an oil change since it's at the 20k mark.
  6. I'm trying to find where i read that the Nav was always built into the 8.4 systems (as long as XM was enabled/available) but not always activated. I can't seem to find that anymore.
  7. Cleaned it, not better. I am not sure how to check alignment/focus, but that it what it kind of looks like to me. I'm taking her in for an oil change and will ask if they can test it - but im not real sure the service dept at the dealer will really be able to do much beyond look at the image? Full Size Image
  8. Yea so some of the 'brochures' and online reading I did would pull me in with 2018, but wasn't actually sticking to what was in the 2018's... and when i browsed the 2018 manual it seemed to be either the 4.3 (smaller screen) or the 8.4 (larger screen) with Nav as a software option -- and this is where I misconstrued a bit, because I had read in a few places that Nav=Carplay capable, but that was not assuming this in-between version of the head unit. I definitely missed that. There is so much I like about this car that I am not going to return it just over this - but I am kind of bummed with how bad the 2018 top trim GT head unit actually works! The bluetooth is terrible, ipod controls are not great, and definitely don't connect more than one BT device at a time... this is barely a 2010-era experience in a decent 2018 vehicle. <sigh> But those are definitely first world problems that are not critical. I just expected more from this year/trim, that's all. Live and learn on the details. Seriously though, my 2018 base model soul had better entertainment interface to bluetooth, and my 2016 mid-trim mazda was nav and carplay for under $200 upgrades. Outside of this, I think I might really like this car.
  9. which orientation (rotation angle) did find worked best?
  10. I checked the brochure and saw it had UConnect and from the other searches expected it to be so. These are not specifically called out in the brochure either. It’s from Carvana so today is the first touch with this specific car. I couldn’t find where it was called out it wasn’t included so just hoped it meant standard for the GT. now to find out how to upgrade
  11. Another oddity (imho) is that the image quality of the backup camera is BAD, like REAL BAD. It's either a seriously out of focus camera, a cheap camera, or its such a low resolution being pumped to the 8.4" screen that I am ashamed of the engineers... Please tell me your camera's image look clean and crisp and that this isn't normal. (picture to come)
  12. So I am confused, I swear I have seen in various places that the 2018 Journey GT with UConnect should have Nav and be Apple CarPlay capable. Just took keys today and neither of these are enabled/working... Is there a software update I need or is this not actually built in?
  13. Got it (https://www.chryslerwarrantys.com/compare_plans.cfm) thanks!
  14. I can find a PDF 'flyer' for each program, but not a comparison tool. Anyone help out? I'd be happy with a clearer picture of what isn't covered in the Added Care that the Max Care does.
  15. Welcome! I'm awaiting delivery of my 2018 GT, anxious to get to know her.
  16. I am not 100% sure, I don't see the cabin air filter anywhere else, so maybe. Here is the screenshot calling it the "air conditioning filter" --> If it's really just the cabin air filter then I am fine, thats super easy.
  17. I can't find anything on this line of the maintenance schedule... Anyone do this themselves? Have any info? Part seems simple enough, but not sure about the install.
  18. Agree - my concern is more around the mileage factor... it has basically 20k before i touch it, so I have MAYBE a year before it hits the manufacturers 36k... and the Carvana option is 36 months from my purchase but only to 60k original miles. That gives me roughly 2-2.5 years from now. And that one is costing me $1450. It's more than I should pay, but it gives me the peace of mind. I'm leaning towards the ChrylserWarantyDirect option of 6 years and 100k - that would give me about 4 years and 80k of coverage which is about what I expect to keep this car. Thats about $2000 (with $100 ded) that can be spread over 18 months for the FULL plan... going to try to find a local mechanic friend... don't know one in the state (yet)
  19. Sorry for another self-reply, i'm not seeing the edit option anymore... Another question for the more experienced: The first site (Zeigler/ChryslerFactoryPlans) is a lot more expensive than the second one (ChryslerWarantyDirect) but they seem identical in coverages... anyone know why?
  20. Which plan/coverage level is recommended? The middle of the road 'Added Care plus' seems fairly extensive. I need a new mechanic friend to help me interpret these, lol.
  21. Thank you both! I will look into the extended warranty and see how it compares to whats offered via Carvana
  22. So I am in the process of buying my first Dodge/Chrysler in a loooong time and honestly a bit nervous. Looking at a '18 GT Journey with <20k miles and one owner (off-lease) and while I like what I have seen so far, I honestly know little to nothing about this company anymore. I replaced the tranny in my old LeBaron a couple of times around the turn of the century, lol, and have been pretty loyal to Subaru/Mazda/Kia (see the theme) since. I am hoping to learn from others here about the specifics I should be paying attention to buying a used Dodge Journey. Your insights and experience will help me make this transition. Thanks in advance!
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