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  1. We don't have the compass but we do have the temperature option. Is there something you have to program to turn it on, or does it come on automatically when it's running effeciently? Thanks, I've got an idea where to begin now.
  2. When does eco indicator come on though. ive babied the thing driving it around and havent seen it displayed once yet. is it supposed to be displayed somewhere other than the odometer reading. Also tried the key fob thing several times, with no luck. Was that only available on the SXTs or is it just not programmed correctly. sorry no question marks. computer is moody and wont allow abbreviations.
  3. Has anyone had the hood on their journey just pop at random. Weve had ours about a month and the hood is hanging on the safety catch on average about 66% of the time after its been driven.
  4. What is the eco message supposed to convey? The manual says it means the vehicle is running eco friendly or high effieciency or something like that. It only displays that message with the engine off in the ign position. I get a laugh out of it because it's the only time that this vehicle isn't burning a ton of fuel. 2.4L 4cyl 19mpg....best so far has been 23mpg. I'm hoping that it's just brutal during the break-in period...1200kms so far...Also is there a way to program the key fob for remote window lowering? some journey's have it...our's doesn't or it doesn't seem to work...Dealership said they didn't even know about it, not very well educated on their merchandise.
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