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Everything posted by 5rebel9

  1. Yes they are the OE supplier. But there are other aftermarket suppliers that can be used. The tool/scanner I was "gifted" can determine brand and test all of them, along with programing them when new install. It can even give the part number and serial number of the sensor being "tested" while mounted.
  2. You MAY want to look up the "running"{current} thread topic ... TPMS failure. Myself and a few other active members have been discussing our same concerns and the possible cause/repair needed. There can be multiple reasons WHY a system may malfunction.
  3. It is NOT a totally sealed trans! There is a tube to check and fill the trans., just not a dipstick it has a twist off cap instead. Why not look at the MANY youtube videos that are available on how to check trans oil for the 62te trans that yours and ALL 3.6 engine equipped FCA cars have. Checking fluid level {and properly done} is the FIRST step in diagnosing your concern.
  4. A further point of observation when I reinstalled the orig. module ...... The metal pins of the module and corresponding metal connectors in the harness are extremely small, almost like electronic "gadget" size. Sitting where it does in the LR wheel arch and although protected by the plastic arch liner, there is still much that can affect the harness connection. I noticed a fair amount of dirt/dust accumulation on the parts and the possibility of "greenhouse" humidity/ temp issues being tucked up into the wheel arch as it is. BUT that is just a THEORY on my part.
  5. I'm not strongly knowledged with A/C diagnosis. BUT I believe your year is equipped with the "new" high pressure refrigerant system, not the good old R-134a. Perhaps you could confirm by looking at the underhood A/C info sticker? And has any A/C ventilation work ever been done to yours? I know that by year, yours would be considered relatively "new".
  6. Rear is kind of a separate unit controlwise from front. Are you running in recirculation or / and does this have auto temp controls or the standard split front controls? IF you are using recirc mode, try your A/C on outside air and report what happens. GOOD LUCK!
  7. Hot today for western NY 82f ! Just got done reinstalling the original TPM module and went on another "auto learn" drive cycle. ALL wheels are reading and NO EVIC message or warning lite. I put Di- electric grease into the harness plug connectors when putting back together. I'll find out how things do in the morning! On a side note, my friend GAVE me a sensor tester/programmer scanner as he now has 4 of them. I did an afternoon of "learning" how it works. Found all 4 wheel sensors are OE brand Schrader sensors and they ALL test good. just don't know if they are original or replacements
  8. YIKES about the CHEVY, but glad you're OK! Yes it sounds like you have a LOT to get "caught up" on with the Journey! Don't put off the timing belt, may be a tough job but NEEDS to be done! Good luck!
  9. Sorry for asking a presuming question, the pic seemed a bit blurry to my ancient eyes is why I led off with a question. Dut I'm still pretty sure that that is the P/S cooler.
  10. Are you also loosing power steering fluid? That looks to me like the power steering oil cooler that I know later year Journey's have.
  11. I would do all 4 and my friend gives me a real good price parts/labor, BUT too broke to do all of them just now until I get the '11 SOLD. LOL AND it will become my son's problem next month when he closes on house purchase and moves out of the family nest!
  12. OK, seems like FOREVER since I said I would get around to it BUT here is my current status with the '14's TPMS. I did not rotate any tires and just replaced the module in the LR wheel arch. Did a auto relearn drive and came up with the Left rear not reading. My original problem was the RF dropping out intermittently. Going to visit my friend who has a number of tire and high end scanners to check the LR sensor out. MAYBE it is going bad as I've not replaced any sensors since getting the car a year ago.
  13. New {reman} or USED alternators? The voltage regulator is located in the ECM{PCM} box. check wiring from there to the alternator, and if good you MAY be looking at needing a new{reman} ECM{PCM} box.
  14. Our LONG relationship as friends and professionally and GREEN CASH goes a LONG WAY ....LOL
  15. It was $1200 for all the work and then I had to buy the rear tires. My friend gave me a pretty good break on parts and labor, as it is no small job to pull the AWD model trans.
  16. Well a bit more than 2 weeks worth of driving and just a couple MINOR glitches were found by the wife. ALL fixed within 10 minutes time with NO PARTS needed. BUT the largest complaint is that the analog speedometer is KPH primary {bigger size numbers} and MPH secondary {smaller size numbers}. She says she can "live with it", and overall likes this '13 RT quite well! She should for $5,000.! My son is VERY HAPPY getting the '14 SXT, and I'm broke from paying for a new torque converter/labor and 2 rear upper control arms{$1,200.} and 2 new rear tires {$266.} for the '14 before turning it over to him! I debated in my mind about keeping the '11 for a SPARE VEHICLE, but MONEY {or my lack of it} won out and the "11 WILL BE SOLD.
  17. With pans using RTV instead of leak prone gaskets, one needs to use a tool like a 2" wide paint scraper to work around between the trans case and pan. Quite common to see that. Yes some codes point directly to a converter problem and other to deep internal trans troubles. Get it back to whom replaced the trans! Even if they offer a partial coverage, it would be well worth doing.
  18. With any auto trans, the first thing{and easiest} is drop the bottom trans pan and inspect for sludge/ debris laying in the bottom. Some amount of fiber is ok but not metal bits. We recently{2 weeks ago} had to have the trans pulled out on our '14 for a failing torque converter that threw code P0740. Not a fun job and it cost me $1k parts and labor. 1 year on a reman trans? take it back and see what they say or can do!
  19. A broken / bad actuator may have failed in the "hot" position for the passenger side. This is also true for A/C usage as A/C temp is controlled by the blend door actuators. There is a blend door for driver and another for passenger side on models with "dual zone" front temp adjustment{which most all DJ's have}. IF these are working, then there is the POSSIBILITY that A/C refrigerant is low on charge. You have been given the correct video and suggestions on what to check first.
  20. YUP it is a nice car no qualms about that fact of costs and maint. I will add that for the short time being ... WE ARE A THREE DJ FAMILY{all at the same time} and a '10 Buick Lucerne!
  21. Hey all! Well the "new to us" 13 DJ is now in our driveway! Got to adjust to the added features of this R/T model, like navigating the controls on the big screen audio. BUT I have to admit that I'm not so excited about having this now third DJ. Nice ride and features....just feeling a little "underwhelmed" already having 2 other journeys Grey color, 2 row leather seating, 3.6 AWD.
  22. Glad to hear the TPMS situation seems resolved. I'm still going to check the module plug and the try out my 1 week old alfaOBD program and see what it can do with TPMS. Have not had a lot of time to "play" with it due to vehicle use/time/weather conditions! Also wondering on your ABS concern that you MAY actually be having a wheel bearing TONE RING problem and not the module??? Lots of "techs" just go with code message and don't investigate FULLY.
  23. Thanks for your update as to how yours is working out and glad to hear that the summer set of wheels {and sensors} work well. YOUR circumstances lead me to wonder that you have a funky sensor, but not sure of HOW you "relearned positions" with swapping tire positions. SOMETIMES it can take quite a while of driving at certain speeds to get them to read correctly.
  24. CORRECTION !!! Module is in the LEFT REAR . I've been doing therapy exercises with my father {recovering from a stroke} and am mixing up Left/right by working in front of him for a year now. He's gaining function back slowly but quite nicely! This is the main reason you have not seen me posting as often lately...I'm "whooped"!
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