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Everything posted by 5rebel9

  1. ANY HAPPY JOURNEY OWNERS OUT THERE? Does having an "11 mainstreet AND a '14 SXT (both 3.6 AWD) at the same time qualify as a YES? IF SO, Then count me as EXTREMELY HAPPY!
  2. Well.......A little over 1 week having the 14 on the road (with about 300 miles put on). All is doing great, the computers I/M monitors have all reset with no trouble and ready to pass NY State inspection. The cruise control worked twice on various runs, so I think it is the steeering wheel mounted control switch, and still have an intermittant HVAC click. Last night was the first night time drive with the car(my 1st time to drive it) and I have one more "glitch" to remedy. The previous owner had film tinted with 85% tint all around (except for the windshield). For NY the front doors can be no more than 30%, and I had effortlessly already removed those. BUT I found that while looking "cool" in the daytime, at night one can also NOT SEE OUT. The side and rear glass are already factory tinted anyway to a lesser amount, so today I'm going to remove the rest of the film on the car. It was an ultimatum by the wife that either taken off OR want a BACKUP CAMERA SYSTEM installed(and PRONTO)! Otherwise this '14 is going to be just as well liked as our '11 model, I was very happy with the ride/performance of this car when I finally got the chance to drive itlast night! Just still bemusing myself that for the first time in all my decades of car ownershio to have TWO of the same make/model at the same time!
  3. And proper TORQUE value wswd was 118 ft/lbs that you used I hope. Glad it was just the wheel bearing.
  4. Yes I should have mentioned I did that on our 2011 3.6AWD...Forgot that I now also have a '14 AWD this past Feb. I also had to replace the both front wheel bearings on my '10 Buick Lucerne. They were fairly new when I bought the car in August....BUT the "tech" WAY OVERTIGHTENED the axle nuts which spec'd for 108 ft/lbs. Had to use an 8'pipe over long handled 1/2" drive breaker bar, and thought the breaker bar would snap befoire the nut came loose of it's torque!
  5. Just did the RF bearing last week and the spec was 118. I'd doubt that spec has changed but always best to ensure spec from a relible source (and be sure of make/model application). Some sites give a "range or general torque value that may not be accurate. I did not mean to imply you used a wrong value, but meant as a possibility.
  6. Most likely that with just over 100k miles is that front wheel bearings are starting to gobad. you say you replaced axle/joint shaft(s), but did you use a torque wrench and tighten the axle nuts to 118 ft/lbs or just guesstimate? Over/under tightened axle nut will cause premature wear of the wheel bearings.
  7. Things are "heating up" all over the USA and R-134a a/c refrigerant is NOT getting any cheaper. How long have you had this car to notice now about the :cooling effect" of a/c thru the vents? An overcharged system will not cool AND an undercharged system will do the same. WHAT a/c maint has been performed? Also if you are not "mechanicallly inclined, the best bet is to get into a reputable shop that has an A/C specialty to check the system over.
  8. "UNPROVEN", but a possibility. Our '11 Journey does not "click" at all, and all doors for HVAC function properly. Next wek I'll get with my friend and use his "high end" scanner and test things out.
  9. Went for an 80 mile round trip with the wife driving HER '14 Journey Sat. afternoon in the 91* heat yesterday. Got it's first "fill up" and shopping. Only other "glitch" found besides the clicking recirc. door is that the cruise control switch is not working. MINOR things to check out, and yes the A/C worked marvelously, now for some COLD night to check out HEAT from the trouble prone heater cores these Dodges are known for!
  10. UPDATEW: Had to relocate the '11 journey in the driveway (I rarely drive this car), it shows 213,546 miles on the dash!
  11. Well the '14 SXT is in our driveway as of noon today (Friday). only "glitch" found so far is for a clicking HVAC actuator that I suspect for the recirculation door, have not had enough time to properly investigate it yet as only happens at startup and shutting down. So that to fix and get the remote start kit. Wife now has the newest car in the yard and gosh what a jump in Insurance cost when compared to our '11 mainstreet, but still "managable" My friend is going in for hip replacement surgery on Tuesday, I gave him $5k last week for the SXT and am sure there will be a little more needed to him, but he said take her home and come back next week for NY state insp. (2 IM monitors neeed to reset yet) and then discuss if more is needed to "pay off". I hope ALL goes well for my friend! Wife very happy with the Journey, even though it does not have all the "bells and whistles" her G6gt had.
  12. Well WE did NOT put all those miles on, as we bought it used with about 160k miles already on it. YES did a lot of work to put it in top running shape, read my thread "new to the journey not chrysler" (or words to that effect). For a cr of this "vintage" NO other make or model would have been any more reliable or needing less maint. I'm a "retired" auto tech and know my way around cars, so labor costs do not affect me as much as most folks.
  13. "11 3.6 awd at 205k miles and going strong and still looking good!
  14. IF yours is the V6 motor model, the thermostat begins to open (allow circulation) at 203^. SO theoretically, yes it is normal to see temps in this range. By your picture, you are also due for a coolant drain and refill with new coolant. Replacing the Thermostat would also be a good step also due to age and miles.
  15. Just got back from a visit to my friend about the Journey's progress. Had a longer wait than anticipated for delivery, but it's there and is a COMPLETE unit with an aluminium cooler(not the plastic one). All fittings, sensors, filter,and cap. This is NOT like what rockauto showed as just the aluminium base portion and price was not much more than the plain base part!. Says Thursday is the back on front burner to getting all things done on the car and should be ready by my wife's birthday on the 21st!
  16. Code is for a TRANSMISSION related problem. Could be a wire related problem OR in internal transmission mounted solenoid. YES it will make the car run poorly(limp mode). NO WARRANTY? what DEALER did you get it from DODGE or INDEPENDANT? Might want to get an appt with a reputable transmission shop on this problem.
  17. What tiure press are you setting tires to? DON'T trust the TPMS to be accurate, use a good quality tire gage. OVERINFLATED will give a harsh ride. I stay right at the door sticker pressure and ride is very comfortable for an AWD that we have. Vibration in the floor/seat MAY also be from drivetrain problem Perhaps for more specific suggestions, you could offer more info of your vehicle like miles, FWD or AWD and even have the motor mounta been checked? The front mount is known to wear quickly causing excessive movement and vibrations.
  18. A very vague request for improving "ride quality" on an 8 year old vehicle. What suspension maint/repairs have been done to it already? It's at an age when tires/struts/ and some joints and bushings start wearing out. I'd suggest a reputable shop do a thuroigh check of the suspension and then go from there.
  19. I agree that it's a part mfg. quality control issue AND from reckless tightening of the filter cap. 3 of the replacements my friend has done is from the later. BUT 2 were brand new and "popped" on start up that he had done. The replacement motor is from a '13 model and had the old style, he wanted to keep filters matched up to the car;s year and went with the aluminium unit for peace of mind. Either way the intake was off for the motor swap anyway so all was "handy" to put in the upgraded unit. BTW... seems the aluminium ones have come up short on the "supply chain" availability end of things recently.
  20. Not the coolant T-stt housing. THE OILFILTER housing, just as a number of members have posted of. The cause of the original engines failure was the readiator broke open at the upper hose connection area and the owner kept driving it till the motor way overheated. It got so hot that the upper and lower intake manifolds started melting!
  21. I just realized something today..........I've NEVER had 2 of the same make/model vehicle at the same time before!
  22. My friend has had a "spat" of filter housings broken/cracked come in for repair lately, and also had 2 brand new units he installed LEAK again at start up in his shop! He says since car is for my wife(he likes her), that he is NOT going to take ANY chances. Mounts are all good engine is installed with intake manifold removed waiting for the Dorman part to arrive(supposed to come tomorrow). Not too worried about an alternator down the road...all I went thru with the '11 of my son's has me pretty adept with working with the 3.6. Just don't care to have to do MAJOR work on it like cyl. head(s) and such LOL and thanks to you for your congrats on our happy news !
  23. A bit more info about the BLUE '14 we ARE getting. Motor was shot due to the radiator breaking open at the upper hose and kept driving it. Replacement has 72k miles and is getting fresh spark plugs AND the aluminium DORMAN aluminum oil filter unit along with a NEW radiator. only other item seen so far is a rear wheel bearing that will also be done. YES all fluids/filters will also be done before getting it sometime around the 21st of June. Remote start will be installed after my friend recovers from hip replacement around Aug./sept. OH, and the odo. shows 160.5K miles on the car. I think this one will be a "keeper" just like the '11 we got for our son! EDIT addition....... Granddaughter and Mom and Dad are doing fine. Even being born 6 weeks early, she is PERFECTLY healthy!
  24. Thanks on the congrats about our first grandchild (girl), and yes it is a JOYOUS event for all. Daughter and son in law now get a tax credit after 2 years of high taxation rates....LOL I lost my 25 yr. love affair with the Chrysler minivans after the redesign of the '07(?) model year. and stilll miss what I could do with my last '04 T&C. But am beginning to really enjoy my current ride ('10 Lucerne) This '14 Journey should be ready to roll by mid June without remote start installed, which will be done before WINTER rolls around AGAIN.
  25. It's a GO FOR IT. She liked it and said the color looks like NY State Police deep blue and when ready, our driveway will be PATRIOTIC by having RED, WHITE and BLUE vewhicles in it when all three cars are home at the same time!
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