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Everything posted by cbeja

  1. @agm2112 had someone come and look at it today! You are absolutely right! It is the oil cooler and O rings. Any idea what cost will be looking like for us?
  2. @5rebel9 the reservoir is completely empty so no oil in there either. Checked the oil and it does not look like a milkshake. Does not look like there is a leak from under the car either. My husband put coolant in it yesterday when it started overheating and didnt know about the making sure that there was no air in there. I left it uncapped last night to help the air. I am nervous to add more coolant as we put 1 gallon in it yesterday and not even a minute after we put half gallon in it was in the reservoir and then gone.
  3. Ok please help! I have a 2012 Journey SXT AWD. It started overheating today almost to the red after coolant was put in the reservoir. Parked to let cool down and then came home. When I got home and let car cool went down to check and there was no coolant in the reservoir. Added the rest of the coolant (1 gallon today), i saw it go into the reservoir and then was gone from it in about a minute. Checked under the car and do not see a leak. Please help! I am in nursing school and really need a car! Thanks
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