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Everything posted by alex519

  1. I need to get sometime to get that light thing ypu mentioned can you find one for me at wal mart online I don't have a harbor freight near me
  2. I tried connecting the wires that didn't work but I'm going to get a replacement piece and put the wires together
  3. Can somebody show me a pic of their back up camera quality because mine looks like a android flip phone it has scratches on the lens I guess from the previous owner cleaning it off during the winter.
  4. Ha I meant plunger auto correct thinks it knows everything
  5. It is the hood sensor it is attached to the plumber in gonna attach more photos of it
  6. It's weird though because it doesn't say that my hoods open ONLY when I am trying to remote start
  7. I really would like to use this do you know whats the most common reason for this occuring?
  8. I recently brought a 2012 Dodge Journey SXT and when I try to use the remote start it honks once and doesn't work I stood closer to the door to inspect the message of why this keeps happening and it stated that the hood was opened I replaced the sensor that looks like a little button behind the passenger light and that didn't work, I also unplugged the negative terminal for 45 minutes and still nothing can someone help me out here
  9. The price of the Bluetooth module is nuts almost $500 got any suggestions for aftermarket on a newer model?
  10. So right now thats the screen still loading can't click to add or find a Bluetooth device
  11. Here's a pic of what I see. I disconnected the battery and have a timer set for 45 min
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