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J'sjourney last won the day on April 15 2024

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    U.S. Great Lakes
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  1. Update I was able to replace the bulb and all is good now. But. What I found out was the manual shows the wrong bulb(s). After getting the old bulb out it was a 3157.
  2. Thanks @2late4u for links. I might be able to replace it myself. Weather permitting. When I buy the bulbs I will ask the auto parts store if they will do it.
  3. Well for this first time I now have to replace a rear turn signal bulb or any bulb. Does anyone know what the average cost of having a dealer or an auto shop to do the job? Thanks in advance.
  4. Thanks. Good points, also. Will take your advice. Thanks
  5. @2late4u Thanks for your input. Yea I won't have these services done. The manual does not even have these services listed. They do say when you do an oil change to inspect items like brakes, CV joints, automatic transmission fluid if equipped with dipstick, etc. Plus, flush and replace engine coolant every 10 years and change the automatic transmission fluid and filter every 12 years. Just an FYI, I will only drive between 7,500 and 10,000 miles per year.
  6. I just got my oil/filter changed plus had the tires rotated, The Service writer said that I also should have the brake fluid exchange (189.99) and the fuel system service (289.99) done. I refused both. I can not find any where (Operations Manual and else where) that says that these repairs are due. If they are necessary should i have it done at the dealer or find a local shop or even a place like Firestone or Pep Boys. Any advice would be welcomed. Dodge 2020 Journey Mileage 12,885
  7. Never mind I found a video on how change the filter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqz1-rKjfqo&ab_channel=Filterheads
  8. I am looking for instructions on how to replace the engine air filter in my 2020 Dodge Journey. All I have seen where videos that are for older versions and they do not look like the 2020 Journey. Does any one have the proper instructions or at a link to a video. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the confirmation. I just got this from Dodge Customer Care. I have reached out to our Uconnect team who has advised the radio is running as designed. The radio manufacturer has designed the radio to allow for tuning between channels 89-107. There is nothing that can be done to fix this. I am sorry that I am unable to provide a more favorable reply.
  10. I have a Uconnect 4.3s in my 2020 Dodge Journey. I can not get FM frequency 87.7 (Chicago radio station). Dealer says not available in this unit. Says it is a hardware and not a software issue. I was able to get this FM station on my old 2016 Jeep 4.3 radio. Can anyone get this frequency in a newer model Dodge (2020)? Yes, I know it is not a normal FM station but it is still a valid one. Thanks for any replies.
  11. All good now. Just had to do another reset and it is now working.
  12. @2late4u Thanks As soon as get to the dealer I will post back what I find out. In the mean time I went ahead and removed and added the phone back to Uconnect. Did same on phone. I will know more later on whether that worked or not.
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