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Journey Member
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Everything posted by grimmrob

  1. Hi I'm new to the forum but I have a 2010 dodge journey sxt 3.5 motor and the problem I am having is when I get up to speed about 40 to 65 my journey chugs like it is loosing gas I jave replaced throttle body battery alternator coils and plugs o2 sensors cleaned all battery terminals and every other ones and it still chugs hook it up to a scanner and nothing seems to come up besides fuel rich but thays caused by the o2 sensors that were just replaced someone help me please cause I'm aboit to throw in the towel
  2. Hi I'm new to the forum but I have a 2010 dodge journey sxt 3.5 motor and the problem I am having is when I get up to speed about 40 to 65 my journey chugs like it is loosing gas I jave replaced throttle body battery alternator coils and plugs o2 sensors cleaned all battery terminals and every other ones and it still chugs hook it up to a scanner and nothing seems to come up besides fuel rich but thays caused by the o2 sensors that were just replaced someone help me please cause I'm aboit to throw in the towel
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