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themagicman321 last won the day on August 10 2021

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About themagicman321

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. just FYI for people in the future that have a problem like this...car is fixed and didnt cost anything...ok, has 143,000 miles on it, it started right up and ran perfectly, until it hit 3 or 4th gear, then it seemed like it went in limp mode(dropped horsepower like in half), but it wasnt limp mode, had two separate bad ass scanners(one over 5000.00) and both said it wasnt in limp mode, but it was a DOG.....neither guy could figure it out with scanners, until at last minute I told the last guy, lets reset the computer back to stock specs, which he did, and vehicle runs great...it was dropping the injector signal to injectors 1 and 4....you can feel injectors click when they are working normal and it is idling....when car was running fine you could feel the click on all four injectors, then when it was running like crap, no clicking from the two injectors...reset computer and it instantly was fine and stayed that way...
  2. yes 300.00, with tile, decent shape, 143,000 miles...just had 4300.00 put into it(she got ripped off, but it has a lot of new stuff on it).... ok the engine light blinks away when it goes into limp mode....also when I floor it in park it only goes to 2000 rpm...this should be easy to figure out...it is something solid....I just disconnected the battery and turned on the lights to drain it, then start it up and immediately check engine light on and only revs to 2k in park with it floored...
  3. Hello all, new to forum and new to dodge journys too..I have a problem with a 2010 4 cylinder I just bought.,.it goes into limp mode pretty quick, when first started it runs great, then taking off it goes intolimp mode somewhere between 20 yards and 100 yards, and it is struggling toget any speed...the check engine light is on all the time, and sometimes it blinks away...I tried my code reader on it and it will not communicate with this vehicle, so I took it to oreillys and they hooked theirs up and it says multiple cylinder misfires and something about o2 sensor....well until the limp mode it has no misfires...the lady I bought it from parked it because the neighbor backed into it twice, once and broke battery, second time broke lower right control arm at ball joint area, so I put another battery in it, and lower control arm, she said it was running fine last time it was used, now in limp home immediately...... any ideas?
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