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About jimm316

  • Birthday 04/04/1960
  1. Hope you can get it fixed. Like a different car, not anticipating "the noise"....

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  2. Hey Jim, thanks for your prompt reply; I'll give that a try. It's amazing the things they'll fix only if you complain about something.

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  3. Hey Jim, I noticed your post about your exhaust being replaced. Is there some TSB from Chrysler covering this problem? If so could you find out some info for me, because my dealer tells me they no nothing about this problem. Thanks for any help, and Happy Motoring !!!

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  4. if you haven't gotten this repaired yet, it's the exhaust that is making the noise. i took mine in yesterday and explained to the service manager that some folks on this forum had the exhaust replaced. the did this for me at no charge and even gave me an enterprise rental. that fixed the growling..i am sooo happy!
  5. As with all cars, the manufacturer does not manufacture every part of the car, including light bulbs. They use the same bulbs from the same manufacturers as we do from walmart , such as phillips. no doubt they are made in china or worse..
  6. That's because they are driving lights, not fog lights....Fog lights are amber color and work well....In fog. Driving lights, which you have, are not intended to be used in fog..They just illuminate the fog more and make it difficult to see, just as high beams do...
  7. I have seen them on Ebay for around $20.00-$25.00
  8. Have a 2010 FWD SXT with 950 miles and the rear rotors are scored and discolored, almost blue. One is wors than the other.The front are smooth as can be, which is exactly the opposite of what I would expect from a 4 wheel disc car. No panic stops or hard braking. Although there is no vibration or grinding or any other problem, I'm taking it back to the dealer and get their view on this issue. Do the ceramic pads eat up the rotors sooner? I have always wondered about that.
  9. Once a remote has been programmed, it can't be re-programmed for another vehicle. If you have two working remotes for your Journey, another can be purchased new and programmed using both of your working remotes. They are available on Ebay..Here are the programming instructions... KEY FOBIK SELF PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS If you have TWO valid RKE transmitters fobiks, you can program new RKE transmitters to the system by performing the following procedure: 1. Insert the first valid key fobik into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch to the ON position for at least three seconds, but no longer than 15 seconds. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position and remove the first key. 2. Insert the second valid key fobik and turn the ignition switch to the ON position within 15 seconds.After 10 seconds, a chime will sound and the Vehicle Security Light will begin to flash. Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position and remove the second key. 3. Insert the NEW key fobik into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch to the ON position within 60 seconds. After 10 seconds, a single chime will sound and the Vehicle Security Light will stop flashing, turn on again for three seconds, and then turn off. The new key fobik is programmed. The Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) fobik will also be programmed during this procedure. Repeat this procedure to program up to eight keys. If you do not have a programmed RKE fobikr, contact your authorized dealer for details. NOTE: If you have lost both or only have one valid RKE fobik, you must contact or visit your local authorized dealer for programming information. Once you have programmed the NEW RKE Fobik to your vehicle, it CAN NOT be Re-programmed to another vehicle in the future.
  10. I hit the hood release with my foot while releasing the parking brake...I will soon remove the hood release handle and install one from another make or model in a better location..I have done it on another car I owned...Bad design for sure...
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