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Ray Ray

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    U.S. Pacific Coast
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  1. Yes there are electrical power to things now. Everything inside works and now car spins when trying to start. Alternator belt is spinning. Not sure if engine pulleys are spinning. But my husband did he get under car to see if engine spins and it did. How do we see if engine pullies are spinning on engine?
  2. I’m trying my best. My mind is all over the place right now. We’ve tried almost everything to get this car running. And half the things u throw out are MAYBES or things we can do out here on 110 degree heat in the middle of nowhere. So please bear with me.
  3. I used the OBD scanner and it’s not showing any codes tho. No timing belt or engine light code. Nothing
  4. So my 2009 Dodge Journey SXT 3.5L broke down on my way to Vegas last weekend. I was driving on the highway, engine light came on and I pulled over immediately and then car came to a stop. To give some background information: About a week prior to leaving for Vegas my car wouldn’t start but closer to where I live (this was the 1st time). It wouldn’t start and battery barely held a charge so my husband and I towed it. We were told it could be a bad alternator so he swapped it out and car was working fine. Fast forward to the following week, we drove to Vegas and car stopped again. when we’d try to start it it would just click click click. So husband swapped out battery with brand new one and still no luck. He also swapped out starter and the click click became a spinning sound like the starter is spinning but it can’t engage the engine. Engine light is still in as well. if car is spinning while trying to start but won’t engage, what could it be? Did he put the starter on wrong?
  5. Okay. We have to drive an hour out to the car because the nearest autozone is an hour away. It’s so tiring and stressful. We’ve drove back and forth so many times. But this will be our last try.
  6. So my 2009 Dodge Journey SXT 3.5L broke down on my way to Vegas last weekend. I was driving on the highway, engine light came on and I pulled over immediately and then car came to a stop. To give some background information: About a week prior to leaving for Vegas my car wouldn’t start but closer to where I live (this was the 1st time). It wouldn’t start and battery barely held a charge so my husband and I towed it. We were told it could be a bad alternator so he swapped it out and car was working fine. Fast forward to the following week, we drove to Vegas and car stopped again. So husband swapped out battery with brand new one and still no luck. Autozone told him the battery that was in our car when it stopped was bad. That’s why we bought the new one. He also swapped out starter and still no luck. So my guess is that when the car stopped the FIRST time I noticed the battery light was on as well. I’m thinking that because the car was mostly running on the batttery, it drained the battery back then and it was time to be changed when we put the alternator in as well. Battery light disappeared after changing alternator so we didn’t think about it. But it would pop up occasionally and then turn off. Anyway, after putting new alternator in with a battery that was still bad MAYBE it killed the new alternator as well. Basically causing the car not to start EVENTUALLY. The reason it didn’t happen instantly was because I heard a car can still run if the alternator is good and battery is bad but not for long. That’s why it gave out when we headed to Vegas a week later. Am I right or wrong? Give me some ideas and feedback please
  7. Okay and I am not mechanically inclined. My husband does all of the work on our car and he has basic knowledge. okay so I know for sure battery is good because after car stopped running we swapped it out for a brand new one. So it hasn’t even been used yet. what I’m thinking is either the alternator is the wrong one OR when the car broke down the first time due to bad alternator, it could have killed the battery (hence why when we took it to autozone after car stopped second time, they said it was bad or dead or whatever). So that being said maybe brand new alternator was trying to operate with that bad battery and eventually ran out of juice once battery went completely dead. I’m thinking we killed the brand new alternator because we didn’t swap out the bad battery as well resulting in the car still not starting. Right or wrong? I’m just trying to figure this out
  8. The brand new battery never got used because we put it in AFTER it broke down. So I’m thinking that when we changed the alternator, the battery was bad and that’s why the car stalled before (when alternator went out). So when we changed the alternator, we should have changed the battery too. We changed the alternator and car was running but battery was probably slowly getting worse. So when we drove it a long distance maybe alternator gave out due to bad battery? Also it was confirmed that battery that was being used when car stalled was bad at autozone when we went to buy the new one.
  9. So basically a week before our trip we were leaving a restaurant and the car wouldnt start. We got a jump and it held a charge for like 5 minutes and then died again. It would only hold a charge for a few seconds after that so we had to get it towed. We were told by the tow truck driver that it was the alternator so we went and bought one from autozone. Husband installed it and car was running again. A week later we drove to Vegas and on the way, while I was driving car stopped again and now engine light is on. We installed a new battery and still no luck but autozone did confirm that our old battery was dead. After putting new one in still no luck. Maybe autozone gave us the wrong alternator? I thought it was good because it ran for a week fine but I heard that it will do that and shut down again. And also drain battery if it’s not the right one. Idk just throwing ideas out there. to answer ur questions it didn’t make any bucking/clattering noises. We can’t check oil because the part to remove stick broke off but we did add oil and coolant already. The oil was changed about 3 months ago. Yes I had just filled the tank about and drove for about an hour and a half after. Tank is still full. Internal electrical items aren’t working now. Windows won’t roll up or down. No lights. And alarm went off by itself when we were trying to jump it once. We also can’t unlock or lock doors unless we jump it but it only lasts a few minutes. And still won’t start.
  10. Timing belt is fine. How do I check fuel pump?
  11. So husband checked timing belt and it was perfect. No damage. Still in tact. So now we have to figure out why car stopped suddenly on highway and why the battery won’t hold a charge after putting a brand new battery and alternator in a week or two ago. Also when we were trying to jump the car the alarm went off randomly. Car at first held a charge for a while but now only for a few seconds and then immediately dies. Can’t lock doors or turn on lights. Nothing. I know that my passenger side door latch is broken so sometimes when we think it’s closed it isn’t. And also I was having issues closing the glove compartment about a week ago and forced it closed. Maybe the light inside of it isn’t going off when we close it? I don’t know.
  12. Yes and it just hit 117k miles so it was about that time
  13. Ok I will pass this on to my husband. Thank you so much for ur help. Will keep u updated. We just got to the car. Once we charge the battery maybe I can send you guys a video of what it sounds like when it tries to start too
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