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About Wilson111

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  1. It’s the 3.6, new thermostat last year and bled the system with the bleeder screw, checked it this morning after getting up to temp to open the thermostat. No more bubbles coming out. Fingers crossed
  2. We nearly overheated on a road trip this summer going over a mountain pass, would it be possible the radiator to be partially clogged with this crud?
  3. Just finished a heater core replacement after no heat on the passenger side. It’s a 2012 r/t, I’ve had it for 3 years. I did four 4 litre jug flushes last week after seeing a bit of sediment at the bottom of the containers. I flushed the old heater core once it was out of the car and got this out if it. If that was in the heater core what’s left in the radiator?
  4. I did the hack heater core replacement via the drivers side footwell. Drained and flushed with demineralized water then drained again then filled with zerox g05 coolant. Was hoping it would last longer than 2 months before it got clogged again, if that is the problem. its our second winter with the journey and between this and the absolutely useless awd living in a ski resort commuting to work in storms I want to sell this car, summer it’s good but the cold slippery snow days I hate this thing!
  5. 2012 journey r/t 3 zone climate 180000kms No heat on passenger side, driver side and rear is hot. I’ve replace the passenger side blend door and is working properly as far as I can see, the flap opens all the way and closed all the way. Testing without the actuator the door moves freely. There’s a noticeable difference between the min and max setting on the controls even though it blows mostly cold. I replaced the heater core this fall and flushed the coolant. when its in recirculating mode it’s still cold on the passenger side. now it’s -16°c/ 3°f and blowing really cold air on the passenger side…. I must be missing something! Any ideas?
  6. Found the issue behind the rear seat belt cover. The previous owners said it never worked from when they brought it 7 years ago. Rewired it and bypassed the plug now it works again
  7. Thanks for the reply, I have read that its common to see broken wires in that rubber boot but im getting continuity from the passenger side wire (disconnected from the grid) to ground inside the car. If it was broken I wouldn't get anything.
  8. Hi dodge owners I just picked up a 2011 Journey R/T and have found the rear window and side mirror heaters don't work. I pulled the fuse and checked it with a multimeter and it's good, when I push the rear window button I get 12v across the terminals. I took the rear hatch skin off and disconnected the passenger connection to the grid. I get 12v from the grid to the closet clean ground I could reach- the back seat belt bolt. Power off I have continuity from the pass side connector to the seat bolt. When it's plugged back in and i hit the rear window button I don't have any voltage across the grid. I haven't been back to work to get my big torx bits to remove the seat belt bolt to get into the terminals behind the pilar yet. I'm not sure what I'm missing or if I'm going in the right direction, any suggestions will be helpful! Thanks!
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