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Journey Member
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About DJ GT

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  • Region
    U.S. Southern Atlantic
  • Journey's Year
  1. Has any one installed running boards on their Dodge Journey- no matter the year or trim. I would like a few pics if you got them please to get an idea of the look. Any opinions on the matter will be greatly appreciated. I am trying to decide between the round nerf bar type or flat style and which would look best. Goes without saying that "what you like is what you like" so entertain me if you will. I am new to the forum and my search came back with zero posts. Which I am sure is BS because I know this has been asked before now!! Thanks in advance for the rapid responses, pictures, and great and not so great advice!
  2. Hi Looking at the link you added. Which Lumens did you go with? From what I have read 5000k should be enough but your link starts at 8000k and 12000k. Also, last question will these work for high and low beam?
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