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Everything posted by MartyZ1

  1. Buy yourself a cordless right angle ratcheting driver it makes changing them sooo much easier.
  2. Hey all I just realized as I was replacing my recirc door actuator that there is an Ipod female connector in the lower glovebox. Hate everything apple so is there a connector that I can get to run a USB thumbdrive into it? Been looking but there are lots of them and if someone has a link that would be great.
  3. The voltage was taken with a digital multimeter at the jump points under the hood and with a 12v plug in dash voltmeter. That was before starting the voltage went up to 13.9 or so after it was started. Didnt check what the scanner said I just wanted to clear codes. An hour or so drive got things back to where they should be I think. I've been troubleshooting cars houses and whatever else in need of fixing for 45 years.
  4. Journey started up no problem this am at 28 degrees here in the Berkshires. Voltmeter showed 10.58 again I would assume that the PCM likes this voltage. Now where do I find the service manual for this vehicle seems to be only downloads rather than online access and not free. Maybe I will hit the stealership service dept and pick their resources a bit. I need to go through all the wire harness and clean connections and use dielectric grease where needed.
  5. I had all the lights blowers stereo all going full together and not and didnt get any cel lights except when I pulled a fuse and reset it with my obd2 scanner. I have a digital voltmeter so I can see what the voltage is at, took it for an hour ride it hasnt been out for that long in 2 weeks or so took a half hour for the voltage to hit 14. Going to start it tomorrow morning it was at 10.58 v this am although I had the trickle charger in the lighter socket it started. Guess I need to look at some specs for the PCM if it only goes to 10.58 volts maybe it can be reset. 175k on the alt I would say.
  6. Advance tester says battery needs charge so I might dare to infer that the alternator with 175k on it might need replacing. Advance couldnt test the starter I am going to order one and take the old one to advance for bench test...
  7. Parasitic drain could be because of the bad actuator on the air/recirc plenum that I have a new Dorman 604-029 to fix, it clicks at random when off. JUst took it for a good ride I will see what the voltage is after a couple of hours, then put the trickler on it. I know I am going to look at the battery soon and make sure the connections are clean et al, Advance said that the battery needed a charge so alternator is the next thing to take a good look at. Right under the p/s pump I think 2 bolts looks easy. Ty 5
  8. Well the guy I bought it from claims that there is a 2020 battery that he replaced. I will go get Advance to test the thing. The reason I am going for something other than the battery is that there are tons of posts on here and on youtube saying that the battery and starter have been replaced multiple times yet there is still the issue. I can only work on it until my back hurts too much I bought this thing so that I would not have to put a lot of money and work into it.
  9. Well theres 10 of them so I'm off a bit. Pittsfield Massachusetts.
  10. Thanks for the reply its a 2.4. I use Rockauto all the time actually. I suppose if the battery that was installed last year wasnt getting the proper charge ( I think the former owners ran it every day so the non start might be because I wont be driving it that much at this point) Another supposition is the battery connections werent properly cleaned but it just snowed and I'm not taking the tire and inners out to get to it. Just wondering what alternator numbers will work for this car as there are 15 or so choices but the only issue would be the wiring clips and 160 amps as far as I can tell they mount the same. Also I have a factory block heater thats never been used I am going to make sure it wont fry before I plug it in. Some car batteries like the heat and some like the cold its cold in Pittsfield ! Ty for all!
  11. I did the ground wire didnt help. Trickle charge light says full and it jumps with 12v generator juice. There are a lot of alternator numbers listed how do I tell which one or as long as it fits and hooks up its good? Also some are listed with alternator clutch never saw this before can it be the cause of not fully charging a battery that was replaced last year by the previous owner? Thinking about another wire from the hot alt connection to + on battery jump post.
  12. So I put in another ground cable to see if the car would hold voltage but that didnt work. Will start with jump I have it on a trickle charge and the charger shows green so it should start. Looking into alternator and charge wire next, and an alternator (175k miles original alt) but here are so many numbers on them how do I find which one will fit and work ? It shows 14.5v after a few minutes of driving. Also thinking about running another alt charge wire right to the battery post. Seems like its a major issue in these cars and I'm not throwing money at it all the time.
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