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Everything posted by AOXOMOXOA

  1. I have had my 2018 AWD SXT for a little over a year now. I have not had any real issues at all. Knock on wood, I bought it used, I have had to replace some plastic trim. I upgraded the radio to the 8.4 uconnect screen. all is good.
  2. oh alright, well my car already has that part in the trunk, cool thank you. so i already have the cable.
  3. I know where to get the switch from, But where are you finding the harness that plugs into the switch? I know where the connector is behind the passenger light. But I need the harness that connects from the switch to the wire harness, Please.
  4. it was through Venmo friends and family, it was only $60 but I have no way of recovering it. It won't happen again.
  5. Hello all you fine Dodge Journey owners. I have an issue that I am hoping someone can shed some light on and possibly offer a solution. I like so many other DJ owners updated my 4.3" touch screen radio to the 8.4" factory screen and NAV radio unit. In doing so it has a couple weird issues that have seen other people speak about, I just cannot find the solution. The issues are this, First the Climate control goes from a single on/off button to an on-off / Auto button. So the Auto feature does not work at all, the button when pressed does nothing and the Auto button on the screen also does nothing. The second issue is with the climate control on screen sliders, when you move them up or down they just bounce back to the middle of the range and display 22 decrees. And pressing the actual up/down red and blue buttons does not display anything on the screen, whoever they do change the temp. SO at the very most this is a minor inconvenience because everything is working, except for Auto climate control. I have since purchased 3 different HVAC modules thinking this would solve the issue, it does not. I have even taken such care as to match up VIN numbers with known cars that came with the 8.4" screen and the Auto button from that factory, This does not change anything in my car. SO I am just wondering if anyone has solved these issue,, Thank you. I have tried AlphaOBD but have not uncovered this specific issue, Also I have a 2018 with the security module, I have a bypass but even so cannon make Alpha fix this either.
  6. BUYER BEWARE!! there is a guy named John Boom Morningstar, he is selling DJ parts on Facebook, He is not sending the parts and is now ignoring me. He took my $60 for a Dodge Journey radio component, Now he is ignoring me, He wont send me the part I paid for and he wont answer me at all. He is a thief, he is still trying to sell other Journey parts, or so he says. I just want people to be aware if he finds this page and tries to rip people off over here.
  7. Does anyone have a climate control module that came out of a journey with an 8" Uconnect screen?
  8. This is not just an easy fix as getting the new lower control panel, I have tried two. I bought this unit from infotainment, replacing the 4" screen with the 8.4" screen along with the lower CD slot / card reader slot and new lower control buttons with the auto button. I also have the issue of the up down buttons not displaying on the screen when pressed, but they do work, they are changing the air from hot to cold and vice versa, Also I have the issue of the screen displaying 22 degrees after adjusting the sliders, but its not accurate. and the AUTO button doesn't work. Now, Infotainment has a ODB genie plug that they say will fix at least the AUTO button feature, no mention of the 22 issue and the up down buttons working, But they want another $180 for a 2018 DJ people have been saying this is something that can be fixed with AlphaODB, but I have this software and I can't find it anywhere. I have been trying for days. any help would be great.
  9. Hello, 2018 DJ AWD SXT I replaced my radio 4.3" screen and and radio/climate controls to the option with AUTO. the AUTO feature doesn't work, and the up down climate control buttons don't display on the new screen when pressed, they DO still function, they just don't show the slider on the screen moving. does anyone know how to turn on the AUTO control button and make the buttons display correctly on the screen? thank you. The new 8" screen and radio were very expensive, i am trying to fix this AUTO / Buttons issue as cheap as possible.
  10. I returned everything and got replacement parts, everything is good now except the climate control up down buttons don't work, It works on the screen but not the physical buttons. They sell an ODB2 AUTO Climate Control Programmer for $180 but i was hoping i could find someone that already had one that would sell it to me at a lower price.
  11. I am looking for a ODB2 climate control programmer for the Dodge journey Dodge AUTO Climate Control Programmer C-ACC
  12. My experience with Infotainment.com. Buyer beware!! I bought a 2018 dodge Journey in January, I really like the car a lot, I don’t like the 4 inch touch screen. As soon as I found out you could get a larger screen i have been looking at all of the options. Well I finally made my decision and went with the most expensive choice, I didn’t want to go with the Chinese android radios, I wanted the OEM equipment with working CD player satellite radio and the original 8.4" screen. 1st off I thought these were new units, they still sell these cars new so why wouldn’t the company carry new units. (My bad I guess) at over $1000 I really though these would be new, or at least quality controlled. I work as a quality assurance person in the aerospace field. But it wouldn’t take a professional to notice any of this crap. The second I opened the package from Infotainment I started seeing bent metal tabs and broken plastic sections. Needless to say I am very upset by this, The money did not come easily, I had to save up top even make this purchase and now I am so disappointed I don’t know what to do. Well first I have to send it all back and just hope the next person that sends out the other unit isnt asleep like the first person was. I am so pissed off by this. I just wanted every DJ owner to know this could happen if you go with this company. Good luck out there. They are going to replace the parts with bent tabs, I could do it but I would rather they be responsible for their own issues.
  13. They don't "work less" they are very bright LED lights. As far as the light goes, you cant even tell they are tinted when the lights are on.
  14. I will have to cross that road when I get there. hopefully I will not have that issue. I could just take it back to the same place since they are tinted
  15. So I couldn't do it myself. So I paid to have it done. and here it is in all its glory.
  16. people that drive slow in the fast lane and or carpool lane. In Washington state you are supposed to move over and let faster drivers go by you, even if you are going the speed limit in the fast/hov lane. I have actually been pulled over for going the speed limit exactly in the fast lane. I didn't get a ticket but i was informed of the law. the problem is people with an ego that refuse to move out of the way, causing people to go around them and possible causing other problems.
  17. and no the original didn't have the remote start button or the rear hatch buttons. The new fob with the additional buttons cost me no more than the normal one did. It was the thought of the key re programmer that it would just work having the new buttons which is not correct. But I didn't "throwing $$ at the problem" as you said. I needed a new key fob and i got one.
  18. this is exactly what my new key fob looks like. just having the buttons on the fob doesn't activate remote start or the rear hatch opening. the guy I bought it from thought it would just work, But it didn't, he didn't charge me anything extra for this fob compared to the one with only lock/unlock. I didn't have them cut me a new key, I just used the old key slipped into the new fob. that saved some money. but still remote start does not work nor does the rear hatch.
  19. hello everyone, I bought a 2018 DJ AWD SXT V6 I had to buy a new key fob because the one that came with the car was damaged. The new key fob has the remote start button as well as a rear hatch open button. Neither the remote start nor rear hatch buttons do anything. Does anyone know if the remote start is something that can just be turned on somehow? maybe with one of these OBD programmers? or does it require other hardware to be installed? I don't really care about the rear hatch button, I would just like remote start to work. I just saw on some other unrelated page where some one said, "To enable remote start on your Dodge Journey you'll need to access the Uconnect app on your smart phone." how do you do this? I haven't heard of tis being a option. Thank you.
  20. I bought a 2018 DJ, the key fob that came with it was damaged, Looks like a dog chewed on it. it would not remote lock the door, the dog that got to it broke that one button. so I looked everywhere for a replacement. I went to a local shop "Batteries and Bulbs" they advertised they do key fobs, they sold me the fob and said they could program the key for me, it was supposed to cost $200 But the kids at the store couldn't handle the job, I even helped take inside panels off the car. the device they use plugs into the port under the dash, But it also has two wire leads that need to plug into a green connector that sits in the rear side panel behind the rear passenger seat. and behind the driver. The manager didn't want to continue but I insisted, until they gave up. they refunded me all of my money, it would have cost $200 if they wee smart enough to pull it off, But they weren't. so then I called a mobile outfit that drove out to my house, Sold me the key fob and programmed the key. again I had to help this guy as well pull the rear panel off. but he did get it to work. This time it cost me $400 but i did get a new fob and it worked. so it wasn't cheap but it works.
  21. Sweet looking head lights and grill, I like it.
  22. I just bought some film for my back LED tail lights. I will post pictures if I can pull it off.
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