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About mpisio

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    Canada Prairie Provinces
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  1. I want to replace the positive and negative cables, running from the battery, and into the engine compartment. I know I could remove them and measure, but this is my only vehicle, and I don’t want to do a remove - replace - remove - install. I’d much rather do a remove old - install new type of thing. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Would it PHYSICALY fit? (ie. the plugs) and I just ignore the heater control and other functions?
  3. I was wondering, could the radio from say a 2018 Journey fit into a 2010 Journey and be just plug and play? as in the top pictured radio replace the bottom pictured radio?
  4. Found a truly no drill solution. Costs a bit, but the simplicity and ease of it I feel are worth it. Truly no drill front license plate mount.
  5. Are these still available? Would you ship to Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, R7B0R1? Am very interested in getting this. If they are gone, or you won't ship to Canada, where did you get them? Mike 2010 Dodge Journey SXT
  6. Below is what I already have for a radio system. I was wondering about installing a nav/entertainment system, and would prefer a factory unit. I have seen systems that mount at the very top, and some that install in place of my present radio.. What are my best options? I have also seen aftermarket android systems designed for mounting at the top, and after market units that install by replacing my present factory radio. If I get a factory top unit, are all the plugs already there making the install basically plug and play? If there is a thread on here about what I am asking, please let me know, or if you have done what I am talking about, or know how to do it, any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Mike 2010 Dodge Journey SXT
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