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Everything posted by gattsdodge

  1. Ok, I just got done installing the cruise control kit. It wasn't too bad but I'll give out some tips for the next guy that tackles it. First, about me. I'm a career fireman, not a career mechanic. Brakes, oil changes, alternators, easy stuff I'll do but if I have to remove more than 3 things to get to something I take it somewhere. But I'm not afraid to try things, this has bit me more than once though, as it almost did this time. I am also fairly mechanical and with some decent common sense. You could say I'm smarter than the average bear. And firemen don't give up easily. Bought the kit from local stealership for ~$230. It comes with both interior colors of steering wheel back cover (dark gray and beige) so no guesswork. I followed the instructions (all pictures, no words) for removal and it went ok, despite the battery and its stupid freaking position in the wheel well. No airbag mishaps but I stood to the side as I pulled it out just in case. Then the steering wheel. Oh boy the steering wheel. Remove the 13mm bolt and pull, being careful not to hit yourself in the face. Thats what the instructions say. Real life was I pulled it 1/4" and it stopped dead, like there was a clip or set screw holding it. Pulled and pulled and pulled, called 2 friends who called friends and all said get a puller. Stubborn me says no, the PICTURE says just pull it. The internet was no help, evidently I'm the 1st guy outside of a shop to do this on a 2009 Journey. 2 HOURS AFTER I STARTED I finally found an article for a jeep that said pull side to side and up and down, repeat. So I did and it didn't come off. So I kept at it till it finally did (about 20 minutes). WOOHOO now we're in business. Follow the rest of the instructions, plug wires in, zip bang boom, time to put the steering wheel back on. There's a little dot on the spindle that corresponds with the flat spot at 12 o'clock on the steering wheel itself, got those lined up then put the old 13mm bolt in to tighten it up. Remember all that work to get it off? Well it must be tapered slightly because it didn't want to go back on. Tried "persuading" it with bolt in place then put 1" socket over the bolt and helped it along with trusty persuader (16oz ballpeen hammer) to no avail. Bigger hammer. Nope. Pulled it off and checked alignment, looked good so put back on, put 13mm socket on bolt and tightened with very little resistance. It must have been off a little bit when I was persuading it. If there's resistance you're not lined up on the little teeth or the backplate with the little finger sticking off it is off center. You'll know what I mean when you do it. Wheel tightened down with new bolt (included in kit) and cover back on steering column and ....PARTY TIME!!! :party2: We now have cruise control on a base SE Journey. Tools needed: 10mm open end wrench (to disconnect battery) 3/8" ratchet with 6"extension T20 torx socket 10mm socket 13mm socket torque wrench beer for celebration :beerchug: (I used PBR but anything except the beast will be fine) Good Luck!
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