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Everything posted by KrazyKhemist

  1. Hey! My journey is 2.4L with 160,000 miles. I replaced the Crankshaft Position Sensor about 3 months ago. I did recently (about 2 months ago) have both hoses that run into the thermostat sheer off and shoot coolant everywhere inside. I have had to replace the same ignition coil (#3) 2 times within a 6 month period previously, one other has been replaced and the other 2 are the originals. The last code I was told about was a vacuum leak notification but I wasn't given the actual number. I am going to O'Reily on my lunch break and I will see what kind of code it says. Thanks!
  2. I am having the same issue with both the ETC and DTC (Off) lights coming on. Took to mechanic and they said it was a bad throttle body and replaced it. Same issue kept happening and they got a new throttle body and replaced once again. Then same issue with lights and going into limp mode happened again this morning while letting my car warm up for my drive to work. I am really at my wits end with this. The mechanics have performed multiple smoke tests and seen nothing. Any suggestions what could be causing this? Could it possibly be bad ignition coils that need replaced causing this issue? Thanks for any help!
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