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About Djromeo

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  1. My battery being so low in voltage caused the truck to go into some kinda of security mode. So follow the instructions Yes push the push start button 5X wait for gauges to settle step on break and hit the start button one more time. (Make sure that your battery is charged or hooked up with jumper cables) the low battery voltage cause the journey to go into a “security mode” according to dodge. Honestly just buy a battery ASAP but if your like me paycheck to paycheck your gonna run into this problem.
  2. I did all this BS and finally the “push start button 5 times wait for gages to settle hit the break and start button one more time finally worked just make sure you have enough battery power or it won’t start. So yes my battery is bad but when it dies it threw it into a security feature mode and that pushing the start button 5X works. Thanks guys.
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