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Everything posted by mccartercar

  1. Hello, I have 2012 journey with the 3.6 AWD sxt at about 260,000. To make a long story short the engine overheated. I had to replace the oil pump to get it pumping oil again. It runs with just oil in it but as soon as water is added it gets mixed in the oil. It will not get above 3000 rpm. After taking the intake off there's signs of water in the front cylinder on the right bank. I've almost got the head off but I can't get to the lower exhaust bolts to loosen them to let the cat slide out. It looks like it I take the axle out on the passenger side a open end 10mm wrench may fit in there but idk. Any guesses as to where my oil is being deluged by water? Any tips for getting the exhaust bolts loose back there? All help is appreciated. Thanks.
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