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About rocker.nurse

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    U.S. Southern Plains
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  1. It’s been a never ending rollercoaster, dear lord! 2025 can’t get here soon enough. So we’ve replaced: Battery Throttle Body and gasket Cam Position Sensors (from previous post) Fuses are good Wiring is good
  2. Yes, thank you so much @Dean H! I’m so sorry I’m several months late posting- lots of life issues popped up. Long story short- I now have more problems than I started with. We replaced both sensors, then the Journey died while accelerating from a stoplight. It started back up and I thought it might have been a fluke/bad gas, but when I got to my parents’ house to pick up my daughter, it would not shift when starting it back up. Presently, it does not have reverse or drive, 1st gear is nonexistent, 2nd/3rd gear works BUT the power brakes do not work. Code at the time was showing P2135 and P0221. We replaced the Throttle Control Body, no difference. We replaced the battery thinking maybe it was going bad and making the electronics go crazy- no luck but now it only shows P2173, P0171, and P0507. The current lights on the dash show traction control off, the electrical lightning bolt/battery (alternating between the two), and of course- check engine. It starts right up without hesitation or issues. I checked the PCM fuse just because, why not- and the fuse is good. What’s really stumping us is no brakes, random transmission gears, and of course the new codes. Could this be a bad PCM at this point?
  3. Thank you so much. I did confirm with my stepdad that the P0340 code was a permanent code that he was never able to clear after we replaced my head gasket last year. If we disregard that code, is there a way to diagnose the C121C-00 by process of elimination?
  4. Happy Sunday everyone! A week ago I began having an intermittent issue on my 2014 2.4L Journey SE. • gauge indicator comes on showing the traction control is off • cannot turn traction control back on with dash button • cruise control doesn’t work when the traction control is off • car “stutters” when attempting to accelerate • check engine light on- DTC P0340 (could be very old code from head gasket fix last year) • DTC shows C121C-00 Torque Request Signal Denied • ABS dash light indicator is NOT on • we’ve cleared all codes in attempt to reset- doesn’t work • visual check shows no frayed wires or cables My stepdad is a retired mechanic so now limited on diagnostic ability but we are able to make any/all repairs if possible. Everything I’m finding mentions likely failure of the ABS but I know my Journey has a direct TCS so it doesn’t go through the ABS (which makes sense the light isn’t on). With all this said, I have 2 questions I can’t find direct answers to: 1. Is the TCS off issue directly related to the DTC code C121C-00? 2. Where in the world do we start with diagnosing? Spend the money to change out sensors? Jump to replacing the module? Any/all recommendations are appreciated!
  5. Thank you. Honesty, we are trying to avoid doing this because there wouldn't be a guarantee the replacement would even be in functioning condition. It's a huge pain to keep taking it off and putting it back on, which is why we just want a new/refurbished one that we know, without a doubt, would work. Have you ever heard of such a vital part being discontinued without replacement offered?
  6. Good Afternoon All, I have a 2014 Journey, 2.4L SE/AVP A/T that had head gasket failure about a month ago. Luckily, I caught it right away (temp went up but not to catastrophic temps) and the car was parked. My father is a mechanic (mostly older race cars and large engines, i.e. busses). Head was taken to the machinist and is good, new gaskets installed everywhere possible, engine running great except it started with "low oil pressure" after 20 minutes of driving. He replaced the sensor, still got the code. Then hooked up an external gauge to make sure it wasn't a false/electrical error. It wasn't. The car would run perfect and then pressure would plummet to nothing. I'm trying to find a replacement oil pump and of course nothing is easy with this car. What I've found is the part number for my VIN (3C4PDCAB2ET281538) is 68127987AK, this was confirmed with a dealer. Apparently you can't buy just the oil pump and have to buy the entire "Balance With Oil Pump Shaft Package". This is out of stock with Mopar, and I'm told by dealers it's on backorder with no stock date at this time. Clearly my car will not run without it. I've searched online and when I find it in stock at websites like "MoparPartsGiant", etc. they say it's not actually in stock. eBay dealers can't give me a straight answer either. Everything I'm running into is actually telling me this pump has been discontinued. We really just wanted to replace the pump and be done with it vs. tearing it down to try to find the issue (visually everything is good, no shavings in pan, everything looks pristine). What are my options at this point if I just absolutely can't find this stupid part? And this just reinforces why I will never again own a Dodge. Thank you for your help!
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