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Dean H

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  1. Read my thread on the battery. https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/18210-electrical-system-fyi-battery/
  2. If you haven't run the engine with out the serpentine belt on the engine. Since your repairs. I would run the engine until the noise is occuring. With the belt on. Remove the belt and run it a few minutes. Under the same load. To eliminate any possibility of the AC clutch or water pump pulley. Being your problem.
  3. I would check everything that is run by the serpentine belt. Check all your engine fluid levels. Need a second opinion on this thought: Could you run the engine for a few minutes without the serpentine belt on it? To see if you hear the noise then. Only when the engine is cold, you do not want to overheat the engine.
  4. There is TB relearn procedure required after you replace it. It's a function on higher level, bi-directional scan tools.
  5. First thing to check with a battery drain. (parasitic draw). Remove the fuse marked HFM. Located in the Interior fuse panel located up and underneath the glove box. Also check for the glove box light staying on. Unplug it.
  6. For cheap and easy: I would replace the battery sensor. Check and clean all battery cable connections and grounds. Read these threads on doing that. https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/18210-electrical-system-fyi-battery/ https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/18374-electrical-system-fyi-ground-system/
  7. Here is the codes break down. 2016 DJ service CD. B2193-00 - Battery sensor internal short. Replace battery sensor. P0113 - Intake air temperature sensor 1 circuit voltage high. -IAT SENSOR -WIRE ISSUE P0335 Crankshaft position sensor circuit See following post. U0100-00. BCM lost communication with PCM See following post B1C19 - passenger headrest control circuit high B1C13 - Driver headrest control circuit high B1408-13. rear left speaker circuit open B210a-16, Telematics gateway (TGW) system voltage circuit voltage below threshold. B210d-16 B210D - ORC restraint controller Battery Voltage Low.
  8. I would like to know if the engine cranks over? Be specific as to the speed and how it sounds. Is it possible to post a recording of it cranking?
  9. This shows the interior fuse box. https://www.startmycar.com/us/dodge/journey/info/fusebox/2011 Fuse #131. HFM
  10. Find a pull the HFM fuse. Interior fuse box by glove box. Check that your glove box light isn't staying on as well.
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