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Dean H

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Everything posted by Dean H

  1. How to check the transmission fluid. 1) You need to buy this Dorman dipstick. https://a.co/d/iqlpIzm 2) Bring the transmission temperature gauge, up on the in dash display screen. 3) The dipstick tube is located to the front left of the air filter box. Has a small cap that reads " Dealer use only" 4) The Dorman dipstick includes directions and the chart needed. Dipstick is used for fluid checking only. It can't be left in the transmission 5) With the engine running and up to operating temperature. Move the trans through each gear. Return to park. Note the transmission temperature. Inserting the dipstick into the transmission. It only goes about half way in. Get the measurement from where the fluid level is on the dipstick. Check it on the chart. Done. If you like the device in the dash picture. Scangauge II it's plug and play. Displays some engine sensors and gauges. Basic code reader and a gas mileage function. Check it out. Amazon has it. ScanGauge https://a.co/d/06dPyBs9 Dean.
  2. The Automatic transmission is the 62te. 6 speed automatic . Read this and save your transmission and a whole lot of money. Correct transmission fluid and filter service. A) You change the fluid. By draining and dropping the lower trans pan. B) There is a FILTER that has to be replaced. C) There is a MAGNET located in the transmission pan. This magnet is our best friend. It catches metal pieces that are in the transmission fluid. Preventing catastrophic damage. You check it for metal shavings.Then clean the magnet and the pan completely. D) Use the correct fluid. Mopar +4 atf. TRANSMISSION FLUID FLUSH DON'T DO IT. DON'T DO IT. Here's why: 1) The filter needs to be replaced . 2) Metal shavings will be pushed through the trans-mission. If it has not been flushed before, you could dislodge debris. Plugging one of many small fluid passages. There are many. Resulting in mechanical failure. My vehicle - I am a 2nd owner 2016 DJ. 3.6 L, 62te. I got it at 125k miles. Trans fluid had never been changed. The fluid was very dark and the magnet had a lot of metal shavings. After the transmission fluid and filter service. There was no more shudder in 3rd to 4th gear. Noticeable engine braking in lower gears. Barely any before. I chose to add Lucas oil transmission Fix. Something to help make it last as long as possible. The YouTube channel, Project Farm. Tested it with a positive result. Transmission is still shifting great. Dean
  3. I'm going to show you where, the engine block ground stud is located. 3.6 L engine. The ground from the battery stud goes here. This is the ground that the starter needs. The one you should add a 2 gauge wire to. Stand at the driver's fender looking into the engine bay. The top of the picture is the air intake hose. Find the large wire harness loom that runs from the TIPM. The stud is hidden between the large wire loom and the engine vacuum pump. -Orange arrow- A close up shot with the air filter box and intake hose removed.
  4. Your welcome. Need anything else, post it here on this forum. Dean
  5. 2016 DJ 130k Use the Max AC button on the climate touch screen. This button is only on the touch screen. This sets the temp to full cold, air inside recirculation and fan on high. It holds these settings. When the vehicle is off, then turned on again. I did it today. Dean
  6. 2016 DJ Same thing for mine. 2L4U. What about the Max AC button on the touch screen? It's always 100% cold with recirculation on.
  7. 2016 3.6 L 62te 130k Your okay. The electric radiator cooling fan. With the AC off. Turns on at 220 f. Turns off at 215 f. Since replacing a stuck open thermostat. Mine runs like this. Dean
  8. 2016 3.6 L 62te 130k Hi John, I used every cable, I had for extra grounds. For the cost, extra grounds, is worth it and needed on the Journey. You can buy cables from eBay,with your specific length needed. Amazon has pre-made cables with different lug hole sizes. My system - Full 2 gauge, separate cables for Alt and starter. That is my alternator circuit breaker (yellow), on top of the PCM. Connected all strut tower studs. Cheap mending bars. Pass engine mount 6 gauge to strut grounds. 4 gauge to top of strut. Alt stud to frame 2 gauge. Engine block stud to interior, ran next to shifter cable. 4 gauge to junction. Ran to left and right kick panel grounds. From there to grounds under front seats.The door grounds are here. Talking about starters, here is a picture. You can see my 2 gauge cable. Big difference. Getting that starter nut off was a unpleasant experience. I thought I might have a heat problem. With the catalytic converter so close. I used extra heat shrink and plastic wire loom. Not a problem. No heat damage. With electrical connections. Always clean and use dielectric grease. Never guess. You might miss the problem. Know that the connection is clean and tight. Thanks . Dean
  9. 2016 DJ 3.6 L 62te 130k miles On the Journey, Chrysler cut costs in the electrical system. This post is about the electrical system cables. There is plenty more to come. The starter, alternator and battery cables are all 4 gauge. Standard 2 gauge wire should have been used. See picture for wire gauge comparison. I feel that these small system cables and not enough engine to chassis grounds. Is the source of the Journey's electrical issues. The starter needs a good battery ground to the engine block. If you don't you will get no crank conditions. Read the last 3 post's on this thread. https://www.dodgejourneyforum.com/topic/10578-2009-journey-sxt-awd-35-l-starting-issue/ The negative battery cable connects to a stud. Located on the driver's strut tower in the engine bay. On that stud, is a 4 gauge cable that connects to the the engine block. I added a 2 gauge cable from the engine block stud. To the engine ground stud located on the strut tower. You need a cable with 3\8" hole lugs. Located on the passenger side engine mount. Is the stock Dodge ground wire. It needs more than that. This wire runs to the ground studs located on the passenger strut tower. For this ground upgrade. I would go with a 4 or 6 gauge cable with 5\16" hole lugs. Run the cable from one of the studs on the engine mount. To the strut tower ground stud. See last picture. Doing these 2 ground cable upgrades. Is what you should do minimally. I did a complete system upgrade to 2 gauge cables. I added 3 engine to chassis grounds. The Journey has 12-14 electronic systems. The better grounded system you have. Will definitely save you some headaches down the road. I will keep the forum posted. Dean
  10. Go somewhere else and have your battery and alternator tested. Another opinion is needed.
  11. That's what I was wondering. No codes? What code scanner are you using?
  12. 2016 DJ 3.6 L 62te transmission I worked on my battery with the car on the ground. With tire on. To access the negative terminal Battery sensor. Go through the engine bay. Remove the air intake system. Including the air filter box. Before you do this, disconnect the negative battery terminal at the stud on the strut tower. There is latch on the connector, you have to release by sliding it back. Then wiggling and tugging on the connector. Go easy. The wires are short. Check if the sensor is fully seated on the terminal. It should be. Check it out. Clean every contact part there is. Picture is from where the air filter box sits. On the 2 studs in foreground. In this picture, my battery sensor is only half seated on the battery terminal. The negative cable is hitting the battery hold down. You can reach the positive terminal. With the tire turned inward. It is tight. There is a plastic access panel you remove.
  13. Get it scanned and report back here. Give us all the specific code information there is. We need this information first. Dean
  14. This explains the ETC lightning bolt light.
  15. " everything seemed fine till a few days ago when my front air blower fan would randomly just not start with the car." Too clarify, you are referring to the the electric engine cooling fan mounted to the back of the radiator. Under the hood, Right? Not the heat blower motor inside the vehicle. The electric engine cooling fan. Runs constantly with the air conditioning and defrost turned on. With the air conditioning and defrost turned off. The fan doesn't turn on until - It turns on at coolant temperature of 220 F. Transmission temperature of 204 F. The fan speed is controlled by the PCM. Second, To get the codes, you need to have someone with a scan tool. Scan it. I have the 2016 DJ service CD and wiring USB. So get the specific codes for me. I will post what the service CD. Says to check. The alternator battery voltage feed cable. Connects at the starter, to the starter battery voltage feed cable. I would check for battery voltage at the alternator stud cable connection. Engine off. Should be same battery voltage, that is at the starter cable connection. Dean
  16. Should be the speed sensor, that is on top of the trans-mission. Next to the cooler lines going into the transmission. Hidden under the cable harness.
  17. Check the fuse F128 15 amp. In the interior fuse box. Up under the glove box. Check If it's okay. Try removing the fuse and wait. Then replace it. Might reset. Worth a shot. The ground connection for the radio is located to your right. Below the interior fuse box. In plain sight on bare metal. After those checks. You need to Scan for codes.
  18. There is cam-crank variation relearn procedure. Required, when you change those sensors and VVT camshaft solenoids. It's a scan tool function. Try this and post back here. Dean
  19. 2016 DJ 3.6L engine 62te transmission Good question. Your in the normal operating temperature range. My average transmission temperature is around 175 F. Dodge technical transmission specs. 1) Cooling fan turns on at transmission temperature of 204 F. 2) Transmission temperature 240 F is overheated.
  20. Hi John H. These are the specific codes in the 2016 DJ service CD. Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) lightning ⚡ bolt warning light. ETC LIGHT Illuminated --- TP sensor codes P0121, P0122, P2135 ETC codes P2110 Accelerator pedal codes P2115, P2116, P2166, P2167 ETC LIGHT FLASHES ----- TP sensor code P0123 ACCELERATOR PEDAL codes P2122, P2123, P2127, P2128, P2138 ETC LIGHT FLASHING ---- ETC codes P2100, P2101, P2107 P2111, P2112 P2118 Dean
  21. One thing, that is a problem on the Journey. There isn't enough engine to chassis ground straps or cables. The main engine battery ground is a small 4 gauge. Should go to a 2 gauge. Add a 4 gauge ground on the opposite engine mount. 2 gauge if it will fit in. Dean
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