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Everything posted by Qcksilver

  1. Yep, that's right. I did it last night. Thanks. I felt dumb asking but I didn't want to try and pry a cover off it it really wasn't a cover. Know what I mean? Anyway, thanks a bunch. My wipers are good as new again.
  2. Does anyone know how to take off the driver's side wiper arm? or better yet, does anyone know how to tighten the arm, if it's possible? Here's my problem: The driver side wiper arm on my 2009 Journey seems to be loose. At least that's what it looks like to me. It will either go to far past the windshield and get stuck on the door, or it will not go far enough and upon coming back to the resting position it will go too far to the base of the windshield and on the next pass it get stuck in the passenger wiper. I have to keep readjusting it to the sweet spot before or after every use. Please help, any ideas would be great??
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