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About LXRitw

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Thank you guys yes I religiously follow the 5k interval ever since I bought the car used. I bought it with a little over 60k miles and I’m at 75k and some change currently. I do check the oil once a week as I’m very paranoid when it comes to the oil level. I will be sure to do the reset procedure before I head back to work this upcoming week as I drive about 45 minutes one way to work.
  2. I have a 2019 Dodge Journey Crossroads AWD (3.6L Engine) and I just completed my first DIY oil change. For my last oil change the reminder came on at roughly the 5,000 mile mark. I opted to do it about 600 miles early this time as I wanted to do it myself to save some money. However the reminder had not came on at that point and still hasn’t maybe 100 miles after my change. Should I have done the reset procedure even if the reminder wasn’t on? I could not find anything in my owners manual
  3. So I recently had my front bumper replaced and noticed a similar gap a couple months after the fact. Sure enough the brackets you showed were broken, I replaced them thinking this would fix my issue but it only made it slightly better and one side already seems to be popped out again. I had the bumper off when I did this and did not see the 4 points you placed your mending plates, are you referring to the part that protrudes out where the grilled clips in?
  4. Yea I’m still running 5w-20 per the manual the oil was just changed a little over 1000 miles ago. The dipstick is at the full mark still, oil is slightly dirty but that’s to be expected after 1000 or so miles especially if it’s an exhaust Cam that has the failure. I’m truly thinking of switching to 5w-30 for the next change as I hear a lot of 3.6 owners doing so and my dad also had a 2012 Journey that took 5W-30 not sure why they ever changed it. Also not sure if it matters for reference but this is a 2019 Dodge Journey Crossroad AWD. I’ll update the post Monday after I hear back from the other mechanic. I’m sure my pockets are going to hurt but this is not a job I’m willing to tackle myself or trust myself to make the judgement call of whether the damaged Cam can be reused or not. I also went and grabbed a stethoscope from harbor freight this morning as suggested despite the noise being gone and was able to hear it more on the front cover as opposed to the back side near the firewall. I’m hoping that means he won’t have to dive into that rear cover because I know that’s when it gets pricey but I’d rather it get fixed the right way than just replacing a bad rocker or two.
  5. I am dropping the car off at a different mechanic on Monday night who fixed my dads Oil Cooler leak on the same engine (3.6 in a 2014 Durango) he agreed over the phone that the other mechanic was likely lying and that he will get it in first thing Monday morning if I drop it off Sunday night. The car has 67k on it currently I just hope I don’t cause more damage driving it to work over the next couple of days until Sunday. It’s just odd to me that it comes and goes, I work 3rd shift and when I got to work last night the noise was apparent, then when I got home in the morning the noise was gone/not as noticeable. Oil pressure is sitting around 20-25 at idle sometimes I catch it at 18-19 at a stoplight. I tried to find the normal oil pressure in then owners manual but i couldn’t find anything. EDIT: I just realized I never mentioned in my original post but the mechanic I took it to on Monday of this week told me the noise was normal but I was also not able to replicate the same noise as in the video. It was much quieter when I had it there and he chalked it up to it being normal “Chrysler engine noise” whatever that means.
  6. Was this the same noise you were hearing? I am trying to narrow mine down before I go pulling the valve cover and it sounds like a lifter but like your mechanic I don’t think the noise would came and go which is what mine is doing.
  7. https://youtube.com/shorts/0Ru76tkLXqk?si=rx0CoviWWpakw9jx I’ve taken it to the mechanic shortly after this but the noise is intermittent. It comes and goes over the course of a few days and usually only happens when the engine is up to temperature. I don’t think the engine is toast as I don’t have a check engine light or feel much difference in the car but the noise is concerning me. Is it the dreaded collapsed rocker arm/camshaft being chewed up. It almost sounds like it’s coming from the bottom end of the engine but I can hear it more on the valve cover nearest to the cooling fan and radiator.
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