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Everything posted by Maryann

  1. Hello, I have a 2015 Dodge Grand Caravan AVP with 88,000 miles doing the EXACT same thing. When the vehicle engine is cold, it runs pretty good. When the engine warms up, it is doing exactly what you described. It will surge when coming to a stop and randomly will stall. A mechanic drove it hard, and afterwards it stalled every time he started the car and tried to put it into drive. It was fine in reverse though. There was no code and no check engine light. I took it from one shop that could not figure it out, to another shop. The new shop is saying it is showing a misfire on 5... which was never even a problem with the first shop. It was doing the rumble strip thing when the vehicle would get to about 40mph also. I am going to have the shop it's currently at replace the TCC Solenoid... and then we can go from there. I REALLY hope that's what it is and not the torque converter.
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