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Chris booker

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About Chris booker

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Well I am still confused and concerned at the same time as we have taken the top part of this motor apart for the sixth time and even took apart the cam phasers and they are fine we have driven this vehicle again with the $6,000 snap-on giant tablet scanner that my mechanic has that shows you all of the graphs of the sensors, temperatures, and voltages in the wiring harness everything is within specs everything is working as should everything is putting out the signals that they are supposed to be putting out and in real time us driving it and watching these graphs still the code is only thrown when the motor reaches 205 degrees or above which is it's running temperature and when the code is thrown there is no change in any of these graphs that indicate the issue that is causing the code to be thrown it's as if it's got to be a program issue with the PCM that does not seem to be another explanation so I'm wondering if there are updates from the dealership that I might be able to get to fix my PCM problem if that's in case the problem because everything else is checking out perfectly fine, we just can't wrap our heads around what the issue might be.
  2. The timing has been checked and it is not off I've uncovered the timing chain five times and even showed it to both mechanics the chain is in position where it's supposed to be everything's lined up we have no explanation as to why it's doing what it's doing all the timing marks are where they are supposed to be.
  3. When I bought the journey it did not have OEM sensors in it they had already been replaced with store-bought brands and it ran fine for 3 months after we purchased it until that heater hose burst and it ran hot after the rebuild is when everything went haywire, I've had two mechanics look at it for me because my scanner tool is only a $500 scanner tool in it only does so much and one of them mechanics has one of the $6,000 snap-on scanner tools that gives you all of your graphs and everything that you can watch voltages peaks and valleys of everything that you can name on the motor and both mechanics said everything looks fine but this should not be happening but clearly it is and I have seen online where others have had the same issue with no report of what they found to be the problem so now I'm stuck with a very nice car that I can't drive.
  4. When I bought the journey it did not have OEM sensors in it they had already been replaced with store-bought brands and it ran fine for 3 months after we purchased it until that heater hose burst and it ran hot after the rebuild is when everything went haywire, I've had two mechanics look at it for me because my scanner tool is only a $500 scanner tool in it only does so much and one of them mechanics has one of the $6,000 snap-on scanner tools that gives you all of your graphs and everything that you can watch voltages peaks and valleys of everything that you can name on the motor and both mechanics said everything looks fine but this should not be happening but clearly it is and I have seen online where others have had the same issue with no report of what they found to be the problem so now I'm stuck with a very nice car that I can't drive.
  5. I have a 2013 Dodge Journey with the 2.4 l and the heater hose burst and it ran hot and blew a head gasket so I replaced the head gasket rebuilt the head all new camshaft sensors crankshaft sensors VVT solenoid controllers all new and the motor runs absolutely perfect until it reaches 200° and then it starts throwing a p0365, p0344, p0016, codes and they only come back when the motor reaches full running temperature all sensors ohm out perfect all electrical plugs have the correct voltage and I am at a loss please help
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