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About abrewer0820

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. Thank you… I’m good with that as long as I wasn’t causing any harm or missing an issue.
  2. 2017 Crossroad FWD 3.6 Curious what I should be seeing for cold weather transmission temp? It has been in the teens and 20s here and my transmission temperature according to the EVIC is anywhere from 100 to 120 even after driving for an hour. It is shifting ok, etc but just thought that seemed low. Was running in the high 170s or low 180s during hot weather. thanks in advance.
  3. "Murphy's Law" has nothing on me and my family... if it can go wrong, it will. It was the most "Brewer" thing that could happen. It was very cold outside and my fingers weren't working that great... button just slipped out from under the pressure I was putting on it. Thanks for the calming response - I was concerned about potential issues. And I will be more careful in the future... like I should have left the old cap on until I had the tether of the new cap attached.
  4. I bought a new gas cap, and as I was trying to attach the tether to the gas cap door, the plastic button used to secure it to the door bounced sideways and I THINK went down the gas filler (wasn't able to find it anywhere on the ground) ... what kind of issue am I looking at? Is there a filter to catch it, or will I be looking to have it removed from the tank?
  5. I apologize if this has been addressed but I did a lot of searching before asking. What should be the expected transmission fluid temperature under normal conditions? I have a 2017 Crossroad 3.6. Today driving home from work (about 60 miles, 95% highway) it was low 80s outside temperature so I had the AC on According to the EVIC the transmission temperature got to a max of 174 degrees during the drive. It was still in the “green” but a little over half way up the gauge. Being still in the green I assume it is ok but just curious what an acceptable range is, understanding that several factors impact it. Thank you!
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