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About gthegreat1

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    U.S. Northeast
  • Journey's Year

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  1. HI, I'm looking for shocks and struts for my Journey 2.4L 2013 FWD. It seems like there is a much bigger selection for the 3.6L engines than the 2.4L: which means, they are more expensive tor the 2.4L. Are they compatible with each other? Are they interchangeable?
  2. @DrJarvis How do you know its bad? I just had mine reflashed by Uncle Sams auto in NJ and now it works.
  3. Maybe you have a leak and need more refrigerant.
  4. Follow the YouTube video by the end of this forum
  5. @mojo Thanks for the Manuel. Very informative. Can you also post for the 2.4L 2011-2016?
  6. Hi, Recently bought Dodge Journey. My gas cap, Engine light came on. P0456, small leak EVAP. I replaced with off brand gas cap and off brand Leak detection pump. Still the same. Didn't check yet the purge valve. I was wondering. I check the fuel tank pressure and i see .99 inH2o. But my fuel tank pressure volts shows NA. Would that cause an issue? I assume the volts have to be there. How can i check? Any wiring diagrams available? Thank you for the forum.
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