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About Frex

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    U.S. Northeast
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  1. I have a 2016 3.6L FWD Journey with 107K miles. I have a receipt of work done that said the transmission fluid was changed at 62K, however, I cannot confirm it. It was done at a Tires Plus and when I called there they said they typically don't change transmission fluid. (I'm thinking it maybe the old charge for something and not do it, but I have no idea.) In any event, while replacing my radiator I did not seat the trans cooler lines properly and they blew off. I had the car towed and had the lines properly seated and had about approximately 5 quarts of trans fluid placed back into the car. The car drives fine expect for a minor tick with the first gear change of the day, which may have always been there but I notice now because of being hyper sensitive with the transmission. I know the manual says to change the trans fluid at 120K. Do you guys think I should have it changed at 120K given I had 5 new quarts put in when I lost the trans cooler lines? I did nothing with the filter or anything else- just replaced the lost transmission fluid.
  2. My 2016 Journey with 107 K miles was running hot- I would get up to 240 and sometime more when driving. While idling it did not get that hot. I took it to a radiator shop and they said it could be the radiator but the only way to test it was to pull it, which I did and replaced it as they tested it and said it was clogged. However, that didn't fix the issue of the car running hot. Again, it would only do it while driving and not idling. While idling the the temp stayed under 230 when the fan would kick on. I had the thermostat replaced three years ago and all agreed that the thermostat was opening. Long story short I wound up replacing the thermostat again with the dealer's Behr thermostat. That did the trick. The car runs under 210 in 90 degree plus heat while driving. I attached a picture of what may have been the issue with the thermostat for others if they are running into the same problem. I was getting no code for a bad thermostat, like I did when I had it replaced three years ago, and it was opening as the temperature would go hi, come back down and go hi again. The working theory is that the thermostat was getting stuck after opening. In the picture you can see the triangular shape which maybe where the spring was making contact. Anyway, if you are having high temperatures this maybe the culprit. BTW, this thermostat is an after market one.
  3. Frex

    New Member Here

    Thanks for having me. I am currently driving a 2016 3.6L Journey SXT 2WD. I bought it with 17K miles on it and it has been a pretty good vehicle. I have suffered some of the typical problems- thermostat replacement and oil cooler replacement. I have two young kids and two German Shepherd dogs, and with my wife we can all fit in the Journey no problem! I am now in search of help on a coolant temperature problem that I will post. (If anyone has a question on dogs- I've trained my two to be Search And Rescue Dogs along with general obedience- I am glad to offer my assistance.) Thanks again!
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