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Everything posted by diymirage

  1. in short, i dont want the car to lock when i hit remote start is there a setting in alfaOBD or somewhere to change this?
  2. i love those things, i got one in my '17 2500 prolly put one in my boys '15 charger soon too, but the journey, it just doesnt need it
  3. more like . the new radiator should come with a cap
  4. because some thing simply should be included when i buy a new pen, i dont expect to have to ask for ink, do i?
  5. i just got these in and so far, i am not impressed the brake pads didnt even come with new hardware
  6. Let us know what you find I have a 2017 with oem GPS but to pay 200 to update the maps is just retarded, i can get a garmin with life time free updates for that kind of coinage
  7. i have only "needed" to replace a caliper once, on the superdookie right at around 245K miles, and that was only because the piston itself had disintegrated...the caliper was fine, i just got lazy and didnt want to rebuild it then on the duster, i switched from front drums to discs, so i needed calipers for that but other than those two instances, i have never, ever had a caliper fail none of wich has any bearing on what dodge, or whoever their foreign stepdaddy was at the time, decided to screw in brake pistons
  8. im sure there are, but this is the first one i ever dealt with that couldnt just be ran back in even my old VW, which had an electric park brake (you push a button and a servo would "turn" the piston and apply pressure, when you let off the brake the piston would run the opposite way and release. with that design you could jump the servo terminals to any 12 volt DC source and run the piston in or out) i have never laid eyes on a brake piston that needed to be manually screwed in to replace pads
  9. Just watched a video on it, that is absolutely retarded
  10. So, the old trusty C clamp is no longer good enough?
  11. Happened to my old superdookie too, rear ground strap just rotted off and I lost all rear lights
  12. Both of those would cancel the remote start, just the way it's written into the computer Fill the tank, fix the CEL and you should be good to go
  13. Good luck I thought most tensioners had a 1/2 inch hole that allowed you to put a breaker bar on there? Sounds like someone figured out a way to make it harder then it needs to be
  14. It is indeed a clear case of government overreach How much gas i burn is none of their concern, and what type of engines a car manufacturer wants to put in a vehicle is nobodies business but their own Not to mention i get penalized for it by having a vehicle in a higher weight category, and having to buy more gas, which of course means more taxes
  15. Sounds like a fun job Karen I havent done a powersteering pump since i put the engine for my duster together, and back then it was easy peasy (Wouldnt surprise me if they added some wiring this time a)ound though )
  16. I do feel like a lot of manufacturers are putting sub par engines in vehicles now Im not looking for a vehicle to change the earth's rotation when i drop the hammer, but i do expect to be able to take an onramp, hit passing gear and speed up enough to match the flow of traffic on the highway without redlining the engine A while ago i had a rental jeep with who knows what hamster for an engine in it, and it was so gutless it was downright dangerous to drive, like taking a moped out on the freeway
  17. i got the 5.7 hemi in my truch, they really should only have put the 6.4 in it the 5.7 struggled at first to keep up, a better intake, throttle body, full length headers and a custom tune made it acceptable i will say, i have the 5.7 in my wifes grocery getter ('15 pursuit charger) and there it shines
  18. Theres your problem, the 3.6 is barely adequate in the JC, it has no business being in a full size SUV If you are considering a durango, the hemi is the only acceptable engine option
  19. So, I was able to turn on the performance pages The journey now thinks it's an SRT, but still no oil percentage indicator
  20. I'm thinking it's about time to change the oil, and on all my other late model mopars I can flip through the "engine info" pages on the evic screen But for some reason, the journey doesn't have this Is there a setting in alfaOBD I can flip to turn this on?
  21. Never had that issue with my vehicles, but everytime I plug my phone in to my computer, I have to select the "data transfer" option on my phone I wonder if you have that option on, and you can just change it to "charge only" ?
  22. I dont see the point of it Each of my cars serves a specific purpose a to me, it makes more sense to have a variety then more of the same
  23. Not in the journey, but i got one in the truck, its awesome
  24. Seems to me what you call the ID is actually the part number, in which case it makes sense they are different The PIN is what needs to match (that's what you use to program keys to the hub)
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